Coleman, the ethanol advocacy group director, said there are about 50 "advanced" biofuels projects at some point of development, with about a dozen ready and just waiting on financial backing.
"I don't know what the solution is, " said Greta Guarton of the advocacy group Long Island Coalition for the Homeless.
"The worry is that Mr. Baucus, who's taken huge amounts of money from the insurance companies and the drug companies, is going to do what they want him to do, which is to kill the public option, " said Jerry Flanagan of the advocacy group Consumer Watchdog.
Jacobson, the executive director of the nutrition advocacy group Center for Science in the Public Interest, said in a statement Wednesday.
"This is a standard that the airlines have to be held to, " said Stephen Push of the advocacy group Families of September 11.
"Every year in tropical countries we lose about an area of forest about the size of New York state, " said Peter Frumhoff, of the advocacy group the Union of Concerned Scientists.
Mr. Lander, a Brooklyn Democrat, and Transportation Alternatives, an advocacy group that endorsed the proposal, said any expansion would take years.
"Our most fundamental right in this country is the right to vote and the right to participate in the political process, " said Austin Nimocks of the Alliance Defending Freedom, a Christian advocacy group.
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Advocacy group Magdalene Survivors Together said the women concerned had been "let down" by the committee.
"I think the biggest challenge is simply managing all the pent-up demand, " said Paul Steely White of Transportation Alternatives, the pedestrian and bike advocacy group closely allied with Ms. Sadik-Khan.
One UK-based privacy advocacy group praised Google for releasing the data, but said it also served as a warning to individuals to be careful about the information they passed on to any online business.
Such laws are "a good thing to keep for the people I represent, " said Ralph Rivera, lobbyist for the Illinois Family Institute, a nonprofit family-advocacy group.
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Kathryn Wylde, president of the Partnership for New York City, a business advocacy group, said as a principle her organization doesn't support mandated sick leave by municipal government.
In a statement released by the gun control advocacy group she started with her husband, Giffords said that "no one piece of legislation" would have prevented the shooting.
Mary Brosnahan, president of the Coalition for the Homeless, an advocacy group, declined to comment, a spokesman said.
Holly Leicht, executive director of New Yorkers for Parks, an advocacy group, said she's pleased with the decision to fund new officers, as well as hire hundreds of other new park employees.
Workers rights groups say the proposed "majority sign-up" law would reduce opportunities for employers to threaten or fire workers wanting a union, said spokeswoman Zoe Bridges-Curry of the advocacy group American Rights at Work.
Saberi, who comes from North Dakota, has been living in Iran since 2003, said the Committee to Protect Journalists, a journalists' advocacy group.
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"This is unprecedented in its scale and scope, " said Ibrahim Hooper, spokesman for the civil rights and advocacy group, Council on American-Islamic Relations.
"If you look like a man and you live your life like a man, you should be able to use a man's bathroom, " said Dru Levasseur, a transgender rights lawyer for the advocacy group Lambda Legal.
"Any life spared from cancer or serious illness is a victory, but success comes in little steps -- one life at a time, " said Dr. Marisa Weiss, the president and founder of advocacy group and the author of several books, including Taking Care of Your Girls: A Breast Health Guide for Girls, Teens, and In-Betweens.
CNN: Cancer death rate dropped nearly 20 percent in 15 years
"Actually the pundits did not understand what Israeli society was thinking and feeling, " said Marcus Sheff, executive director of the Israel Project, an advocacy group.
"There are many things that Google does that concern privacy advocates, but in some categories, they get an A, " said Paul Stephens, the group's director for policy and advocacy.
"We are very cognizant that this does not mean there's been a straight-up spike in nonbelievers, " said Paul Fidalgo, communications director for the Center for Inquiry, a secular advocacy group.
"Having this stuff go to ... hazardous waste sites, that's what you want to have happen, " said Adam Browning, executive director of the Vote Solar Initiative, a solar advocacy group.
Amy Bach, executive director of United Policyholders, a California-based advocacy group that works with consumers on claims after disasters, said higher deductibles weaken the value of insurance, especially when premiums don't go down.
"It's as if we've been a little bit behind the curve, but now we're really taking off, " said Gayle Baron, president of the Long Island City Partnership, an economic-advocacy group.
"These are workers who are most likely to spend virtually everything they earn, so it just pumps money back into local economies, " said Christine Owens, executive director of the National Employment Law Project, a worker advocacy group.
"There's a balance here that eBay is going to have to strike, " said Jeff Chester, executive director of the Center for Digital Democracy, an online privacy advocacy group.
Clinton run, "That's going to be a sharp contrast, " said Amy Siskind, co-founder of The New Agenda, a woman's advocacy group that was created by 30 Clinton supporters.