But it is dissuading people from spending too much on the accoutrement of the afterlife.
But does this require constant friction with other countries, or postponing all fun to the afterlife?
Some lighted red candles or burned paper money to send children into the afterlife.
Because she wished to be reunited them in the afterlife or wants to spare them the misery of this life.
But this time, he engages with death and the afterlife in a way that is uplifting rather than terrifying or grotesque.
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This particular variant of Buddhism insists that a better result in the afterlife is gained by making charitable donations in this one.
FORBES: Apparently Steve Jobs Is Now Half a Yak And Lives In A Silver And Crystal Castle
What a soldier might think about the afterlife is his own affair.
That we should think of this life and not just the afterlife.
This is doubtful but it does make me wonder about the afterlife of the thousands of industrial eyesores just sitting unused in our oceans.
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All major religions have extended this structure to the afterlife, where, if you haven't righted the moral balances on earth, you must do so after death.
During the last hours of his life, as he lay in a hospital bed, his wife comforted Robertson by whispering thoughts of what awaited him in the afterlife.
If you carefully read the afterlife beliefs of most major religions, the primary purpose of an afterlife is not immortality so much as justice and opportunity for all.
But both are doing quite well in the afterlife, regardless.
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Objects buried with them include 30 gaming counters, which were possibly used for a game similar to backgammon, and placed with the bodies for entertainment during the journey to the afterlife.
Experts say it was customary to place a coin in the mouth of an inhumation as a fare for the ferryman Charon for safe passage across the River Styx in the afterlife.
But it would appear that one Thai Buddhist sect has decided, nay declared, that Steve Jobs is now half of a yak inhabiting a crystal and silver castle in the afterlife.
FORBES: Apparently Steve Jobs Is Now Half a Yak And Lives In A Silver And Crystal Castle
It is said that if the wronged receive anything less than a proper burial, their spirit will almost certainly come back as a Hungry Ghost, damned to starve in the afterlife, feeding only on their hatred.
BBC: NEWS | Technology | Conversations with a science visionary
For those who suffered mostly misery in this life, who died as infants or young children, who never really had an opportunity to know true joy or love, the afterlife offered a second chance and a way to address the unfairness of this life.
He said that thinking about the afterlife in new terms leads to thoughts about what it means to be alive, saying that for some people the book was "a call to arms" to look at their actions during their lifetime and how we they do them better.
The afterlife, more importantly perhaps, also offered the opportunity to see again the loved ones who had gone too soon (remember that up until the 20th century most mothers lost numerous children, most men lost beloved wives in childbirth, most people barely knew their parents because of early death, etc.).
An alternative approach is to appeal to the classical Greek philosophy that views kindness through the lens of reason, emphasizing the positive effects acts of kindness have not just on the receiver of kindness but to the giver of kindness as well, not for the salvation of the soul in the afterlife, but in this life.
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Fine painted vessels depict Panhellenic sporting events, mythical lovers, stage plays, a wedding and the joyful afterlife.
Age is one factor, says Wendy Moncur, a computer technology and human behavior expert at the University of Aberdeen who has been researching the digital afterlife concept.
Responding to the Richard's question about the possibility of there being an afterlife, the prof told him this was just "wishful thing".
And then, lovely touch, the invention of an afterlife, a noisy eternity filled with the racket of rejoicing angels.
Though my own writing voice tends toward the ironical, cleverness was not the right note for the title of a book about the life and afterlife of a country girl who, though far from corn-pone, was more Branson than Brooklyn.
But what about the half-life of his afterlife, as represented by all the gaudy bling and other paraphernalia from his tomb periodically trotted out to wow us hoi polloi?
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"There is an argument to be made that an artist or musician who dies when he's at the top has tremendous afterlife sales, " he muses.