The proposed new law will retain the age of consent for sex at 18 years.
India's government has reportedly cleared lowering the age of consent for sex to 16 years.
The age of consent in Italy is 16, but people under 18 are considered minors.
They will also consider lowering the age of consent for sex to 16.
Parliament will be given an opportunity to vote on the age of consent.
The age of consent had been 16 years for three decades before the government raised it in its ordinance in February.
But clearly, India needs to do more to protect its girls and stop child marriages than raise the age of consent.
Many believe that raising the age of consent is fraught with risks.
He points to his own record of voting to reduce the age of consent for homosexuals to the same as for heterosexuals.
If this is true, three important laws on the age of consent, voting in European elections and war crimes will also have no legal basis.
The bill, due to be debated in the House of Commons on Monday, is largely concerned with the equalisation of the age of consent.
Most countries now set the age of consent between 15 and 18 (sometimes higher for men than women) though it is as low as 13 in Spain.
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Raising the age of consent can have other unfortunate consequences.
MSPs unanimously approved the first stage of the sexual offences bill which reforms the law of rape and equalises the age of consent at 16, for boys and girls.
Raising the age of consent to 18 has placed India among the more orthodox countries in a world where the norm and the global average is around 16 years.
Over a century the age of consent in India has been raised from 10 to 18 reacting mainly to concerns over child marriage, and much later over rape and teenage pregnancies.
In some cases, known as statutory rape cases, children can be added to the sex offender registry for having consensual sex with a peer or a child below the age of consent.
She argues for an end to complainant anonymity, a strict statute of limitations to prevent prosecutions after a substantial amount of time has passed and a reduction in the age of consent to 13.
"All that raising the age of consent to 18 years will do is to give society greater control over the lives of young people and young boys in consensual relations with girls, " says lawyer Vrinda Grover.
Conservative former Lords Leader Baroness Young, a campaigner against the government's plans to lower the age of consent for gay men from 18 to 16, gave notice she would table an amendment aimed at blocking the repeal of Section 28.
While ministers had threatened to use the Parliament Act to push the age of consent measure through the Lords, the same act cannot be used to repeal Section 28 because the legislation began its current parliamentary passage in the upper house.
"At the current trafficking rates, thousands of women - many of them under the age of consent - will arrive in Germany over the next few months to meet what is clearly a demand for paid sex during the World Cup competition, " she added.
The courts grant a divorce to mark the end of a marriage that was valid when entered into, whereas an annulment is for a marriage that at no time was valid (as when one of the parties was under the age of consent at the time of the marriage).
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It is true that the Lords put up a considerable battle against changes to the age of consent and other measures - and in January 2010, the (Labour) government was defeated on an amendment to the Equalities Bill that would have forced religious bodies to, for example, employ gay people.
This time the government will probably use the Parliament Act to ram it through the hostile upper house something that has happened only three times since 1949 (when a new version of the act came in), and then only for important laws on the age of consent, war crimes and constitutional change.
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But Peter Kellner of the UK's YouGov polling agency said that opposition to gay rights legislation tended to be forgotten as soon as it became law, citing the examples of the UK's 1967 decriminalization of homosexuality and the changing of the law in 2000 to equalize the age of consent for straight and gay sex to 16.
It will plainly be the hottest potato to land in the lap of the home secretary since well, come to think of it, since his son was caught selling drugs, since he locked up Chile's General Pinochet, since he introduced a bill lowering the age of consent for gay sex and since he suggested that more teenage mums should give up their children for adoption.
In February 2000 he changed his mind on the question of reducing the gay age of consent to 16, and spoke in the Commons debate on the issue, admitting that his previous stance had been wrong.