Ms Lamont characterised that as "hunt the alibi" which, on the day, was reasonably effective.
His supporters say the statement he signed contains numerous inaccuracies, his fingerprints were not on the murder weapon, and the alibi of the initial prime suspect has collapsed.
This time the alibi witnesses, facing up to 40 years in prison if they were convicted of perjury, failed to show up, and Mr Hankton was convicted of second-degree murder.
The rough sleeper had been a regular at the Thursday night soup kitchen near the Peace Statue next to Hove Lawns, and bought his beer from the Londis store next to the Alibi pub on Kingsway, he added.
It ended with a hung jury, in large part due to the star alibi witness, a manager at the zoo who said she was having drinks with Mr Hankton at a hotel when the murder occurred.
"The absence of a notice of alibi, the fact that Taylor chose not to support the allegation in evidence, and the absence of any evidence to support it are themselves strong indications of the lie, " he said.
As I predicted earlier in the week, the OBR has given him this bad news, but it has also given the Chancellor a good alibi: it says the basic deterioration in Britain's economic health since 2010 is not his fault.
Hackett pleaded not guilty to all of the charges and lodged a special defence of alibi on the first charge, claiming he was at home when the child was attacked.
Lord Archer's other difficulty is that the details of his alibi for Monday September 8th only surfaced in the course of the trial.
Mr Mainds said Mrs Jethwa's husband Rajesh, a railway manager, had an alibi for the murder.
BBC: Shobhna Jethwa: 'Boyfriend' denies murder of Luton mother
Mrs Jethwa's husband Rajesh, a railway manager, had an alibi for the murder, the court heard.
BBC: Shobhna Jethwa death: Married mother had two boyfriends
Mr Baker eventually served as his key alibi for the previous night, the 8th.
They also have to be able to maintain an alibi in the face of parental questioning and scrutiny.
In this case, there was no question of the government in Paris needing the commission as an alibi for hard decisions.
If you're honest with your boss, you don't have to worry about a slip of the tongue or an unexpected run-in with the boss foiling your alibi.
This was crucial evidence because it provided Mr Archer with an alibi for the period in which he was alleged to have been with Ms Coghlan around midnight.
"We had no real alibi for the night of November 1 except each other, and we did not have lawyers to protect us, and we seemed to have a propensity for saying things without thinking them through, " he says.
His grounds of appeal criticised the legal directions given to jurors by trial judge Lord Dunpark, the eye witness evidence Beck claims was mistaken, the rejection of his alibi and a claim that his legal team had let him down.
QC, repeatedly put to the jury was that Jeffrey Archer had considerable difficulty in constructing an alibi and was unsure in the immediate aftermath of the News of the World's story what to say about his whereabouts on September 8th.
The official Tory candidate for London mayor was forced to admit he had cooked up a false alibi to cover him for the night he had been accused of sleeping with a prostitute more than a decade previously.
The defense based its case largely on an alibi for Skakel, who claimed to be across town at his cousin's house during the time a medical examiner hired by police estimated Martha was killed.
He has denied the charge and has lodged a special defence of alibi, claiming he was carrying out deliveries for his fruit and vegetable business on the day his wife vanished.
Mr Archer therefore had ready two different sets of alibi witnesses to cover the different nights.
Theatre Alibi tours all over the UK and has been based in Exeter since its inception in 1982.
Arias has acknowledged trying to clean the scene of the killing, dumping the gun in the desert and working on an alibi, even attending a memorial service for Alexander before her arrest in July 2008.
She said if he had the opportunity to plant anything, he would have been foolish to try, not knowing whether there were eyewitnesses to the crime or whether Simpson had an alibi.
The millionaire novelist quit the mayoral race on Saturday after admitting he asked a friend to provide him with an alibi for a dinner date he thought would be raised in the sensational 1987 Monica Coghlan libel trial.
Lumumba was detained, but was released after two weeks when his alibi was corroborated: he had spent the night of the murder talking to a customer in his pub in Perugia, police say.