Despite periods of suspension, the American system of checks and balances always reasserts itself.
All were combative partisans, but their view of the American system was fundamentally positive.
But I believe in the American system of justice that he is presumed innocent.
What we're witnessing now are the signs of the basic strengths of the American system.
But, broadly speaking, freedom to practise and preach Islam is protected by the American system.
In the American system the cartel, not competition, controls who is in the Big Leagues.
But it has been a struggle, largely thanks to the Byzantine nature of the American system.
More importantly, in the American system the Fed Chairman does not in fact control tax rates.
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And those who dared object were dismissed as lacking faith in the American system.
Lots of parts were unspeakably boring: methodologies of American jurisprudence, examinations of the American system of townships.
In the American system built around that creed, the monstrous original failing and contradiction was the institution of slavery.
In fact, many people I met looked up the U. S. as a model and admired the American system.
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But the truth is that the American system does not permit much leadership.
That is a fundamental inequity of the American system, not a new one.
It's a sad day for him, us, but you know, I believe in the American system of justice, and he's presumed innocent.
So the American system relies on human goodwill - that men and women can and will work together in their country's interests.
Under the American system, it is Congress which actually passes the budget.
But the trouble with the American system is it's very expensive - premiums have just gone up 13 per cent in the last year.
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The American system of medicine is a model of skill and innovation, with a pace of discovery that is adding good years to our lives.
He notes that the American system is much more expensive than any other developed nation, and attributes this to the lack of a more centralized healthcare system.
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So we can make changes in the way our culture works to help bring people away from violence and give them opportunity and bring them in the American system.
Unlike the parliamentary governments of Europe, where one party runs everything until they mess up, the American system actually gives a preference to both parties having skin in the game.
In an environment where the free flow of ideas, both good and bad, is encouraged and valued at a premium, the American system often produces an over abundance of information.
Even though American judges and politicians have tried to adjust this balance recently (see article), no sane European businessperson would want to import the American system as it stands.
But the American system also guarantees the rights of those who argue for the opposite view: that Islam is basically a peaceful, universalist faith which restricts rather than enjoins the use of violence.
The American system of trial and error produces doers: Black Swan-hunting, dream-chasing entrepreneurs, with a tolerance for a certain class of risk-taking and for making plenty of small errors on the road to success or knowledge.
Hence the second conclusion: if the American system (and that of other countries with similar gaps) is to improve, some way must be found to spread insurance coverage, whether publicly or privately financed, across the whole population.
But one merit of the American system is that, even when hard questions arise about the trade-off betweeen freedom of speech and security, there is a robust legal culture which enables people to fight back if their rights are infringed.
What it means is that these differences do not matter, that no person is born intrinsically better than another, that a permanent aristocracy in the economic realm, or a divine right of kings in the political realm, are no part of the American system.