We asked destiny consultant Master Raymond Lo, an expert in reading the I-Ching, the ancient Chinese "Book of Changes, " which of the top sports people bound for Beijing would be successful at the Olympics.
CNN: Reading the Olympians' fortunes
The book was "Ancient Grains for Modern Meals, " by Maria Speck (Ten Speed Press, 2011).
WSJ: Recipe for a Better Book Club
This is just one of the many uses to which this iconic building has been put, vicissitudes which are traced with verve and erudition by Mary Beard in this highly readable book, the first in a new series on ancient buildings, which Ms Beard is also editing.
ECONOMIST: Classical antiquity
The book romps through history at a terrific rate: from ancient Greece through the Islamic empire of the 13th century, 15th-century China and Renaissance Europe to 20th-century America.
ECONOMIST: History of science
Its tranquil grounds, enveloped in greenery and ancient frescoes, can beguile you into getting a book out and spending the rest of the afternoon here.
BBC: Weekend in Kiev
He was also called the Son of Man, reaching back to an ancient Hebraic phrase, which had rather humbling connotations. (It was in the Book of Daniel that a visionary figure called the Son of Man came into view, in apocalyptic terms).
CNN: Seeking the truth about Jesus
He says that Steve Forbes' 2009 book, Power, Ambition, Glory: The Stunning Parallels Between Great Leaders of the Ancient World and Today ... and the Lessons You Can Learn, damaged his reputation in its discussions of the criminal conviction.
FORBES: Magazine Article
But Assif Hussein Sha, the cab driver feels it, too, as he rattles around in his ancient taxi, planning his next book.
NPR: Pakistan Warily Watches Obama Policies
Vincenzo wrote a book, startlingly similar in tone and style to the ones his son wrote later, ripping apart ancient Ptolemaic systems of lute tuning, as his son ripped apart Ptolemaic astronomy.