The UK's net sovereign debt was the equivalent of 68% of the country's annual economic output, or GDP, at the end of last year.
BBC: UK loses top AAA credit rating for first time since 1978
The banking system had grown to eight times the size of the Cypriot economy's annual economic output - or GDP - although the restructuring of the two biggest lenders should significantly shrink that number.
The European Union's yearly spending amounts to about 1% of the region's annual economic output.
Compared with a year earlier, the services sector - which makes up more than three-quarters of the UK's annual economic output - rose 0.8%.
The government also hopes to bring its deficit down to 6.3% of the country's annual economic output this year, then to 5.5% in 2014, and 2.7% in 2016.
It also estimates that the Irish Republic will be able to reduce its budget deficit from 11.9% of the country's annual economic output (or GDP) in 2010, to 10% this year, 8.6% in 2012, and falling to 2.8% in 2015.
The Italian economy - the eurozone's third largest - has contracted for the past four quarters as the government has implemented a series of drastic spending cuts designed to cut its debt levels, which currently stand at more than the country's annual economic output.
To start with probably the least important aspect of all this, I am surprised by how little emotion has been sparked by Mr Carney's remarks, that there might be a case for replacing narrow inflation as a target with nominal GDP target, or the cash value of annual economic output.
The government, which has long played on its AAA rating as a sign of its economic might, has been pursuing a harsh program of spending cuts and tax increases to reduce the budget deficit, which at 7.4 percent of annual economic output is more than twice the EU's 3 percent limit.
The country's deficit last year stood at 15.4% of its annual economic output, said Eurostat, the European Union's statistics office.
By mid-2012, Italy had the second-highest level of public debt - a towering 123% of GDP (annual economic output) - in the eurozone.
The EU estimates the partnership could increase the 27-nation bloc's annual economic output by 0.5%.
Slim's wealth is the equivalent of roughly 7% of Mexico's annual economic output.
We asked Moody's to provide us with analysis and annual growth prospects for employment and economic output for the period 2010-14.
Greece's budget deficit stands at 12.7% of annual economic output in 2009, more than four times the limit allowed by the E.
Solenne San Jose, from Pessac outside Bordeaux, was invoiced the sum - equivelant to nearly 6, 000 times France's annual economic output - by Bouygues Telecom.
Like the U.S., Swaziland has an enormous deficit compared to its annual economic output.
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According to calculations by White House economists, slowing the annual growth rate of health care costs by 1.5 percentage points might increase economic output by 2 percent in 2020 and 8 percent in 2030.
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