"We pick the area code, the computer generates the seven digits, " he said.
The four outer boroughs now use the 718 area code--but the number shortage is now squeezing the heart of the city: Manhattan.
The pair recorded how cells in a region of the brain devoted to facial recognition, called the fusiform face area, code the information.
"He said he was calling from Miranshah in North Waziristan and the telephone number used to make the call carried an area code common to the Waziristan tribal area and Bannu, the adjoining district in the North West Frontier Province, " the paper said.
Calling themselves the 414 Gang after their area code, the culprits embarked on a nine-day spree, hitting 60 computing systems before being caught by the FBI.
Normally, he doesn't answer those type of calls, but since the number had a New Jersey area code and came after the draft, he answered.
Former Patriots guard Joe Andruzzi, who carried an injured female runner to safety after the Boston Marathon explosions, displayed a jersey with the city's 617 area code and "Boston Strong" written on the front.
So Nynex, hardly the most popular local telephone company in America, knew it was in for a scrap when it recently unveiled a plan to deprive some Manhattanites of their treasured 212 area code--arguably the only local telephone code that is recognised from Tokyo to Tomsk.
"E15 is not prime market, " he added, referring to the area's postal code.
The council said it was an informative meeting and it would now look to draw up a voluntary code for the area.
If it transfers a chunk of numbers to another area code, as it did with the Bronx, the new 646 code would not be needed, but the scheme would not create much extra space on the network.
So, when you choose a police area or type in your full post code, it should load the crashes for that area.
Trencheny, who hails from the San Francisco Bay Area, participated in Code for Oakland, a civic hackathon for Oakland, California, now entering its second year.
The area covered by Breezy Point's ZIP Code had the largest percentage of New York City households that received a Sandy-related disaster loan from the U.S. Small Business Administration, which are used for long-term rebuilding, including elevating homes.
Government officials concede, however, that not a single farmer in the area is in compliance with Brazil's Forest Code, which is aimed at preserving the world's largest rainforest.
Franki Brandt-Pethtel, the Director of Operations for Bond Jewelers in the Tampa Bay Area, thinks maintaining a proper dress code shows respect for your employer, clients and yourself.
Punch in your zip code and interest area and then surf through the opportunities located nearest you.
The Alaska Volcano Observatory has issued a watch due to heightened activity, plus an orange code regarding how they might affect planes in the area.
Bournemouth Borough Council said it had drawn up a list of accommodation in the area and services were being asked to sign up to a code of conduct before the end of the financial year.
Finally, any time your child ingests something that is not food, it can be helpful to contact the poison center that serves your area by calling 1-800-222-1222 (a nationwide number in the U.S. that routes your call based on your area code) for guidance.
But they experience the area's chaos, deficiencies and declining glamour that the new zoning code aims to correct, ushering in a new age of commercial glory.
Academics can develop and share code within their niche research area, and as a result the entire community benefits from their effort.
Others are eyeing the same area, and Pfizer recently published a study showing that a leukotriene blocker code-named CP 105, 696 slashed artery buildup in mice.
As soon as a snapshot appears, workers have 10 seconds to identify the ZIP code so that the parcel finds its way to the appropriate loading area.
ENGADGET: Inside UPS' Worldport: How a shipping titan moves 2,000 packages every 17 seconds