The 47-year-old assistant teacher also said Beale has regularly provided school supplies and Christmas gifts to needy students.
WSJ: Anti-gun Democrat shoo-in to replace Jackson Jr.
The teaching assistant said she did not know what was said in the head teacher's office, but dismissed a suggestion she was mistaken about Mrs Ege being asked to see her.
BBC: Yaseen Ali Ege
Green had the best possible teacher, working as an assistant to John Rennie before taking up his Devon post.
BBC: Building bridges
Assistant head teacher Spencer Doggett explained that the students were also preparing a piece entitled The Good, the Bad and the Ugly about yesterday's budget as well as reflecting the death of Elizabeth Taylor.
BBC: News Day as it happened
One adult should be a qualified teacher and the other at least a qualified nursery assistant.
BBC: Nursery
David Evans, assistant head teacher at William Parker Sports College, said the track was one of a few not directly owned by the local authority.
BBC: Hastings athletics track 'wearing out' and may close
The same year, Mr Kaczynski worked as an assistant professor of mathematics at the University of California at Berkeley, where he was widely recognised as a teacher likely to get tenure.
BBC: Profile: Theodore Kaczynski