French drugmaker Sanofi-Aventis SA on Friday shortened its name to Sanofi, the Associated Press reports.
Many of her fans only saw what she looked like in the 1970s, the Associated Press reports.
Blair did not speak during the ceremony, but chatted with veterans before it began, The Associated Press reports.
Yahoo plans to extend the time it keeps user search records to 18 months, The Associated Press reports.
The driver of the truck has not been charged, the Associated Press reports.
The Associated Press reports that counterfeiting is more prevalent today since pharmaceutical supply chains are stretching around the world.
FORBES: PharmaSecure Uses Mobile Device And ID Codes To Take On Counterfeit Drug Problem
Of the 66 delegates on offer, Mr Romney took home 35 compared to Mr Santorum's 21, the Associated Press reports.
But he referred to one as a person who "served as a personal bodyguard and driver for Osama Bin Laden, " the Associated Press reports.
The Associated Press reports, an estimated 1 million homeowners have used it, a number far below the 4 to 5 million homeowners that was anticipated.
FORBES: Obama Expands Refinancing Plan to Help More Homeowners
Coast Guard official Yasuhiko Oku said the captain had admitted being inside Japan's exclusive economic zone when he was stopped on Saturday, the Associated Press reports.
Starting this week, the 110-year-old department store chain will bring back some of the sales that it swore off last year, the Associated Press reports.
FORBES: J.C. Penney Returning To Gimmicky Sales Shows A Turnaround In Tumult
The Pacific Tsunami Warning Center said there was no risk of a widespread tsunami, and subsequently dropped all tsunami warnings for the Japanese coast, the Associated Press reports.
FORBES: IAEA Says Japan's Nuke Facilities Safe After Latest Quake
Meanwhile The Associated Press reports that the Kremlin has rejected proposals to ban Skype, Gmail and Hotmail as major threats to national security despite advice from senior FSB officials.
Security Council resolution circulated by Britain on Tuesday called for the United Nations to play a "central role" in the formation of a transitional Afghan government, The Associated Press reports.
And Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke told a congressional panel Friday morning that unemployment could remain as high as 8% as late as 2013, the Associated Press reports.
Now, as long as they have a supporting statement from a doctor, people will have the option of marking the gender section of their passports with an 'X', the Associated Press reports.
BBC: In brief: Australia adds a third gender option to passports
The deal does not commit the US to any specific spending or troop presence, but does leave the way open for Washington to keep forces in Afghanistan until 2024, the Associated Press reports.
BBC: Barack Obama pledges to 'finish the job' in Afghanistan
Rescue workers on rubber boats could not reach them because of narrow alleyways, and two air force helicopters were deployed to drop water and food packs to the marooned villagers, the Associated Press reports.
As the Associated Press reports from Cheyenne, Wyo.
WSJ: Best of the Web Today: Not the Drones They Thought They Knew
The Associated Press reports that among the incoming kindergartners to California public schools last year, over 11, 000 had been opted out of vaccinations by their parents, which is the highest rate of unvaccinated children in California since 1978.
FORBES: Over 11,000 Californian Kindergartners Missed Vaccinations Last Year
An Interpol warrant for his arrest remains in effect for 188 countries, the Associated Press news agency reports.
BBC: Polanski makes first appearance since house arrest ends
Police said they had recovered the phone and the laptop from one of the suspects, Associated Press reports.
About 30 animal rights activists gathered outside the courtroom in Richmond, Virginia, for Friday's hearing, the Associated Press news agency reports.
The Associated Press news agency reports that it inquired about the missing figures when they were taken down from Isaf's site without explanation.
BBC: Nato admits 'error' in claim of fall in Taliban attacks
Meanwhile the Associated Press news agency reports the suspects' mother, Zubeidat Tsarnaeva, was added at the CIA's request to a US terrorist watch list 18 months ago.
Pakistan's meteorological department chief, Qamar-uz-Zaman Chaudhry, said some parts of the country had received the heaviest rain and snow in seven years, the Associated Press news agency reports.
Snow piled up so high in places that many residents found they could not open their doors to leave their homes on Saturday, the Associated Press news agency reports.
Investigators are also trying to determine who owns a number of guns that were found at the home, including a semi-automatic military-style rifle, the Associated Press news agency reports.
The two sides also agreed to hold a political dialogue and to establish a "monitoring system" that would allow them to implement a ceasefire, the Associated Press news agency reports.
BBC: Burma government, Kachin rebels in deal to hold more talks
Libous provided the document to The Associated Press after published reports said he was part of a real estate firm that is buying Southern Tier property, which could significantly increase in value if hydraulic fracturing for gas is approved.