Of course the Atkins diet isn't the only diet to have received mixed reviews.
Observation: This is like Krispy Kreme blaming the Atkins diet on their brand positioning blunders.
Nor does the market for low-carbohydrate products necessarily depend on the continuing success of the Atkins diet.
Forbes.com surveyed ten popular diets earlier this year, and found the Atkins diet to be very expensive as well.
She had tried alternatives such as the Atkins diet and not eating, but Weight Watchers was the only approach that worked.
The poll found that only one in a hundred of those actually using the Atkins diet were convinced by such warnings.
Nevertheless, there is a burgeoning problem with obesity, both in the UK and the US, where the Atkins diet is extremely popular.
Swansea's CZJ apparently used the Atkins Diet, which involves cutting out carbohydrates, and hiring a personal trainer who encouraged her to go on lots of hikes around the Hollywood Hills.
He lost 30 pounds over about four months with the Atkins diet, and thinks Smithfield's new range of lean pork could do well in a growing market for low-carbohydrate foods.
In just the past month, Burger King has introduced no-bun burgers, and the Subway sandwich chain has introduced a joint marketing promotion with the Atkins Diet Center to promote low-carb wraps.
Once the humble spud was favoured by slimmers, but the remarkable rise of the Atkins diet, which is based on limiting carbohydrates in favour of proteins, is definitely down on them.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Magazine | Eggs v potatoes: The Atkins diet stand-off
What some call an epidemic of obesity in the U.S. has drawn the attention of Coca-Cola , McDonalds , Kraft Foods and others, and has given rise to an industry devoted to the Atkins diet.
Other journal reports proclaimed that the Atkins diet, which I drub, was in reality a better diet than the traditional low-fat diet, while still others showed that those who lost weight on Atkins usually regained it after a year.
There's a hysterical scene where both McAlary and his editor pump up their morphine drips while both at the hospital and another funny bit about the Atkins' diet.
Although the ultimate outcomes of the low-fat and low-carbohydrate diets in the experiments were the same, in that people lost similar amounts of weight over the course of a whole year, this is unlikely to deter the hordes of Atkins aficionados who swear by the diet.
The low-carb diet was championed by the late Dr. Robert Atkins, who made our list of Top-Earning Dead Celebrities last year.
Atkins officials maintain that the diet is by no means wacky.
This dieting system has real staying power, as fad diet after fad diet (like the low-carb Atkins) attracts a swarm of acolytes--only to leave them disillusioned a few years later.
Atkins Nutrionals , the New York company founded in 1989 by the late Dr. Robert Atkins to cash in on his low-carb diet, filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection yesterday.
Atkins, who died after an apparent slip on an icy sidewalk in 2003, was one of the most successful diet gurus to emerge in the last several years.