The consultancy's findings have been handed over to the Cypriot parliament and the attorney-general, Petros Clerides.
Both the Republican and Democratic candidates for governor support the personhood measure, as does the attorney-general.
The president's confidence in Mr Gonzales's services apparently outlasted that of the attorney-general himself.
For the first time, polls show that CICIG is less popular than the attorney-general's office.
The attorney-general's office and the police have new cadres of investigators, and an electronic information platform.
The attorney-general, Mark Shurtleff, may bring criminal charges against the women who compiled it.
After a three-month investigation, the attorney-general confirmed that the police had been responsible for the beating.
The attorney-general is said to have widened his investigation to other big investment banks.
Worse still, the court may, in effect, endorse the comptroller's ruling and the attorney-general's action.
Janet Reno, the attorney-general, may yet appoint an independent prosecutor to go after the president, too.
The attorney-general hung in valiantly, even going to Europe to do some snooping among foreign banks.
An attempt to censure Alberto Gonzales , the attorney-general, was blocked by Republicans in the Senate.
It is now up to the attorney-general to decide whether a trial should go ahead.
In that time, Marzuki Darusman, the attorney-general, must complete his criminal investigations into the allegations.
ECONOMIST: Accounting for the violence in East Timor has at last begun
Justice may follow: the attorney-general is to review the new information and prosecutions could ensue.
If the attorney-general decides to prosecute, Mr Netanyahu's hopes of a political comeback would presumably be dashed.
In March Eric Holder, the attorney-general, said the Justice Department would go after people as well as companies.
The attorney-general's ruling that there was no evidence of wrongdoing merely provided face-saving cover for his inevitable exit.
The commission also recommended that the attorney-general should investigate those who might be culpable and consider bringing charges.
But because the treaty is outside the EU framework, the attorney-general advised that a vote was constitutionally necessary.
All this is good news for the Republicans, who have managed to unite behind Dan Lungren, the attorney-general.
It ranges from the Texan conservatism of the attorney-general, Alberto Gonzales, to the Californian liberalism of Mr Villaraigosa.
But the attorney-general still faces two imminent decisions on whether to appoint independent counsels to look into fund-raising.
Mr Straw promised to take up the issue with the attorney-general and arrange a meeting with Ms Clwyd.
There will also be a 20-minute mini-question time for the Attorney-General, Dominic Grieve.
The inspectors report to Congress, which means that they too serve two masters while simultaneously competing with the attorney-general.
That would allow the attorney-general, Janet Reno, to take the legal but politically difficult step of sacking Mr Starr.
In practice, this meant setting up miniature departments of justice, independent of the attorney-general, whenever there was a problem.
He had submitted the question of school financing to the attorney-general, he said.
For one thing, every such prosecution would require the approval of the attorney-general, and this would very rarely be given.