Darren Millar AM introduced a motion to appoint auditors to the accounts of the auditor general.
The auditor general for Scotland, Robert Black, has announced that he intends to step down.
The auditor general for Scotland, Robert Black, cast doubt over the agency's previous performance claims.
The decision to start withdrawing them follows reports from the commissioners themselves and the auditor general.
The auditor general position for Scotland was established by the Scotland Act, which created the Scottish Parliament.
The auditor general said since NFI began, it had led to the elimination of many long-standing, high-value frauds.
Initially, the auditor general began an investigation and included it in his ongoing audit of the Welsh government.
The report, compiled by the Auditor General and his officials, was presented to the National Assembly on 13 January 2012.
The National Fraud Initiative (NFI) detected fraudulent over-payments and resulted in 54 successful prosecutions, said the auditor general for Wales.
The bill establishes a new WAO that would be responsible for corporate functions, for which the auditor general is currently responsible.
In April the auditor general accused the government of misleading Parliament about the cost of an order for F-35 jet fighters.
The committee also heard evidence from the Auditor General for Wales Huw Vaughan Thomas on the use of resources in special schools.
Mr Thomas has suggested that the auditor general should be able to continue to employ his own staff and procure his own professional services.
The auditor general has told the health sector that striving to meet targets must not have a detrimental impact on the overall care of patients.
The Auditor General for Wales, the public spending watchdog, told AMs that not all health boards were meeting staffing levels for nursing and medical staff.
The Auditor General for Wales, Huw Vaughan Thomas, also gave evidence to the committee on the Wales Audit Office report on public participation in waste recycling.
Auditor General Wales (AGW) Huw Vaughan Thomas has criticised the draft bill as he believes the independence of the auditor general could be constrained by the requirement.
In 2011, the auditor general reported that hospital catering in Wales was improving but more needed to be done to ensure patients got the right "nutritional care".
BBC: Hospital food recipes by James Martin and Stephen Terry
Mr Grice said his team was not given enough time to check the report and had asked the auditor general to delay publication until the middle of July.
Chair Barbara Wilding said the board would also speak with the auditor general for Wales about how it was being asked to make changes without a business case.
Giving evidence on this was the Auditor General for Wales Jeremy Colman, the Deputy Auditor General for Wales Caroline Gardner and Sir Alistair Graham from the peer group review.
According to the auditor general, as the public sector represents around 30% of the total labour work force, its health and well being is crucial to the effective delivery of public services.
Mr Salmond suggested Ms Goldie should have attended the ministerial statement on the Gathering on the previous day, adding the Auditor General had said the loan was "not unreasonable" under the circumstances.
Mr Murray said the Welsh Ambulance Services Trust was a very different organisation from the one heavily criticised in the reports of the Auditor General, the Healthcare Inspectorate Wales and the Wales Audit Office.
BBC: The service is on track to beat its response targets for May
He told the audit committee that the auditor general also failed to analyse the role of the Holyrood Progress Group, which was set up by MSPs in 2000 to get a grip on the project.
The committee also called for the Auditor General to be allowed the "unfettered power" to audit the Financial Services Authority's work, given the billions of pounds of taxpayers' money that was now tied up in the banking system.
In a separate report published in December, the Auditor General for Wales, Huw Vaughan Thomas said while the council had made some positive changes in its arrangement for safeguarding children it had not responded "with sufficient speed and rigour".
The committee has recommend that greater priority should be given to all the issues they outline in their report and that the assembly government speeds up all the work identified by the Auditor General for Wales in his report on the same issue.
Giving evidence on 20 March 2012 at the Public Accounts Committee on Welsh Housing Quality Standard (WHQS), Mr Jones said that some improvements had been made but that it was obvious from the Auditor General's report that there remained a lot of work to do.
The former auditor general welcomes the asking of the question, noting that MSPs could not know how much more expensive free-for-all provision would become as demand and the demographic bulge both grow relentlessly.