However research by the Bank for International Settlements, the central bankers' central bank, provides a useful counterpoint.
There is also plenty of information about Basel II on the website of the Bank for International Settlements.
However, a study by the Bank for International Settlements finds clear evidence that currency markets react asymmetrically to economic news about the euro.
For the past seven years he has been the chairman of financial stability institute at the Bank for International Settlements in Basel, Switzerland.
This has prompted calls for heightened surveillance, including a wider role for the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the Swiss-based central banks' central bank.
So many funds had made the same bet that it "magnified the deleveraging process, " in the dry words of the Bank for International Settlements.
In 1984, when he retired as president of the Bank for International Settlements, he unburdened himself to reporters of his thoughts for the future.
On average, banks have capital equivalent to nearly 18% of their risk-weighted assets more than double the minimum specified by the Bank for International Settlements.
The index is proportionally weighted based on foreign-exchange trading volume data from the Bank for International Settlements' triennial central-bank survey on global foreign-exchange market activity.
Not in Switzerland, which ranks with Japan as the developed economy with the highest level of cash payments, according to the Bank for International Settlements.
The European Monetary Institute opened its doors in Frankfurt under the directorship of Alexandre Lamfalussy, a Belgian who had previously run the Bank for International Settlements.
In recent years they have been especially keen to raise their holdings of sterling deposits, according to a new report by the Bank for International Settlements.
Some eighty central bankers from both the East and West are meeting behind closed doors this week in Basel, Switzerland at the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).
However, under international rules negotiated by government representatives through the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), government loans fit into a special category that has a 0% risk requirement.
FORBES: Governments Are The Primary Creators Of Systemic Risk
The likes of Robert Shiller of Yale, Nouriel Roubini of New York University and the team at the Bank for International Settlements are now famous for their prescience.
Andrew Crockett, a former head of the Bank for International Settlements, thinks central banks should broaden the range of collateral they accept when they supply cash to commercial banks.
Bernie Fraser, a former governor of the Reserve Bank of Australia, has even proposed creating a new regional central bank for central bankers, rather like the Bank for International Settlements in Basle.
At one end are those, including the OECD and the Bank for International Settlements, who give warning that a prolonged period of ultra-low interest rates risks inflation and resurgent risk-taking (see article).
The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) argued in its recent annual report that huge growth in bank reserves was driving overnight-lending rates to zero, causing the market for unsecured overnight lending to atrophy.
The IMF, World Bank and key regulatory agencies like the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) based in Basel should establish internationally agreed codes of best practices on monetary, financial and fiscal policy and corporate governance.
Economists at the Bank for International Settlements often regarded as the central bankers' central bank have long been warning that monetary policy can only buy time for governments, financial institutions and households to repair their balance sheets.
Even by the government's optimistic accounting, only Bank of China currently meets the standards set by the Bank for International Settlements, which thinks big banks should have capital equal to at least 8% of their assets.
After all, even after the relief provided by the first batch, the banks' bad-loan ratio still stands at 22%, according to Guonan Ma and Ben Fung in a recent paper for the Bank for International Settlements.
Here are the trends, according to the latest annual report from the central bank's central bank, the Bank for International Settlements: a fifth of all European banks' assets were encumbered, or pledged to borrowers, in 2011.
As well as being the head of the Bank of Canada, he serves as chairman of the Basel-based Financial Stability Board (FSB) and as a member of the board of directors of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS).
According to the Bank for International Settlements, the only organisation that crunches decent if infrequent numbers, their total value rose 24% in the six months to June 2003 and the value of outstanding currency options surged by a third.
In global finance, the Bank for International Settlements should be transformed from a discussion forum for central bankers into a policy co-ordinating body, turning it into the world's central bank with a mandate to keep inflation stable and low worldwide.
Last week the International Financial Institution Advisory Commission, created by the U.S. Congress and made up of 11 American economists and other experts, released its reform recommendations for the IMF, the World Bank, the Asian, Latin American and African development banks, the World Trade Organization and the Bank for International Settlements.
Officials at the European Central Bank, the Bank of England, the Reserve Bank of Australia and the Bank for International Settlements (the central banks' central bank) have given some support to the view that monetary policy should sometimes lean against a rapid growth in asset prices and build-up of debt, even if consumer-price inflation is low.
As Mr Borio at the Bank for International Settlements points out, many of the ideas around countercyclicality (setting aside more capital in good times) and macroprudential regulation (safeguarding the stability of the whole banking system as well as of individual banks) were oven-ready, having been worked on by a coterie of central bankers, academics and regulators for a number of years.