Then each customer can travel to the barbershop that best meets his or her needs.
Michel Martin is away and it is time yet again for a visit to the Barbershop.
The barbershop's owner, John Seymour, and another customer, Dan Haslauer, were wounded and hospitalized.
We've seen some books written about the barbershop, and the history, and the grand tradition.
At the barbershop, Mr. Veillette says that business is down 30% and customers are buzzing about the economy.
The barbershop is the classic forum for this type of social networking.
John Seymour, one of the men wounded in the attacks told his sister, Mary Hornett, the barbershop attack came out of nowhere.
Coming up, the guys in the Barbershop on last night's VP debate.
Now it's time for our weekly visit to the Barbershop where the guys talk about what's in the news and what's on their minds.
But first, it's time for our weekly visit to the Barbershop, where the guys talk about whatever's in the news and whatever's on their minds.
And because the barbershop is a black institution, I didn't feel that the conversation changed all that much when white clients walked in or when women walked in.
And they then began to kind of go back and forth about why he had been kicked out and her defending her reasons for kicking him out, and everyone who was sitting in the barbershop was participating in the conversation, not really taking a side, but really helping this family.
We need state and local politicians to think outside of their party affiliation and facilitate a Main Street business environment that encourages the local barbershop, restaurants, manufacturing plants, and other businesses to create and invent the products and services that will change lives and communities for the better.
Dapper gentlemen frequent Harry Rosen and the nouvelle barbershop Cru , both in Yorkville.
One might think, at this point, we've seen the movies Barbershop.
The destination is an old-school barbershop where participants can enjoy one of the last remaining straight razor, hot towel shaves in Argentina -- it is recommended not to shave the day before the tour.
But at this particular time, working at this barbershop was the perfect place, perfect start.
This is grand entertainment, an ensemble comedy with an all-black cast (plus one beleaguered white barber) that's about, of all things, a day at a barbershop on the south side of Chicago.
But the most interesting thing about "Barbershop, " when its dialectics are said and done, is that the movie's soul is old-fashioned too.
The Georgetown University English graduate was a story consultant on the 2009 documentary "American Harmony, " about competitive barbershop quartet singing, and produced the recent Discovery Channel program "Under Siege, " about terrorism and smuggling across the U.S.-Canada border as well the History Channel series "Madhouse, " on modified race-car drivers in North Carolina.
This is the first documentary where we captured the essence of a black barbershop.
At Levels Barbershop in Harlem, the changing face of the neighborhood is evident in the clientele, but not the flow of the conversation.