Many of Alabama's changes have nothing to do with the basic framework of government.
In the 26 years since, the rankings have undergone several overhauls, but the basic framework has remained.
Shashmaqom genre requires specially trained musicians because the standard notation system can record only the basic framework.
Ms Knight said the banks supported the basic framework of the tripartite agreement but that it had clearly been "found wanting" during the Northern Rock crisis.
Although the basic elements of the framework document are still there, both sides have already scrutinised the brief text of the new proposals like palaeontologists poring over a fossil record.
But the basic software that creates a framework for successfully navigating these content spaces may require a kind of intelligence that Apple does not yet possess.
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Whether it is to teach a career development curriculum or to conduct courses infused with career education the professional development of teachers should give them a basic framework for career planning and how to connect activities in the classroom to the events unfolding in the labour market.
"Our objective is to provide the basic infrastructure, planning and necessary management framework in creating satellite cities that reverses the current trend of unplanned development and urban congestion in most of Africa's growing cities, " says Tim Beighton, of Rendeavour, which is developing several new cities in Africa.
CNN: Africa's 'new cities': Urban future or utopian fantasies?
Part II illustrates how ideas contained in the Framework for Action to meet basic learning needs are being practised in many countries - in Yemen, Ecuador, Mali, and how teachers are challenged to use new tools and new structures for learning, as in Costa Rica, Bulgaria, Thailand and Indonesia.
The constitution is supposed to be a basic contract that includes procedures aimed at maximum empowering of civil society within the framework of reasonable government for the people and by the people.
How can companies like Samsung, LG and Dell keep their Windows Phone 7 (WP7) handsets looking cool and different when Microsoft specifies the basic button layout, display resolution and user interface framework these companies should use?
Importantly, if the facility for asset-backed securities proves successful, its basic framework can be expanded to accommodate higher volumes or additional classes of securities as circumstances warrant.
The UN World Programme for Human Rights Education (2005- ongoing), currently in its first phase, seeks to promote a common understanding of the basic principles and methodologies of human rights education, to provide a concrete framework for action and to strengthen partnerships and cooperation from the international level down to the grass roots level.
And virtual goods being devoid of legal status would provide no framework, and indeed a complete legal vacuum, in handling the most basic commercial disputes involving the purchase, sale or theft of such items.