• The basic operation is simple enough, with triggers, face buttons, a d-pad and everything else you'd need to ape a modern console controller.

    ENGADGET: G-Mate Mag Gun controller for Xbox and PS3 gets FCC approval; we'd like to see them try and stop it

  • Ignoring the nature of the operation, the basic lack of credibility of the source of information, and the interests of Europe in defeating jihadist terrorism in the Middle East and worldwide, the chanceries of Europe squawked indignantly and threatened to cut off intelligence cooperation with Israel.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: When rhetoric rules the roost

  • In these circumstances, it appears that you failed to ask even the most basic questions about who was involved and the handling of an operation with the obvious potential to create considerable controversy and undermine public confidence - questions which would not have impinged in any way on the police carrying out a proper investigation.

    BBC: In full: Dominic Grieve's letter

  • "Member states shall have equal rights to manage the internet, including in regard to the allotment, assignment and reclamation of internet numbering, naming, addressing and identification resources and to support for the operation and development of basic internet infrastructure, " it said in a document submitted on 17 November.

    BBC: Google attacks UN's internet treaty conference

  • These sheets are devoted to the production and organisation of concerts and shows, proposing basic information to enlighten cultural operators as to the economic and legal operation of the industry, and the various elements to be taken into account when organising a show.

    UNESCO: Global Alliance for Cultural Diversity

  • Recent surveys in the Bourem area of Gao region found that the price of basic foodstuffs had increased by up to 70% as a result of the military operation, Oxfam said.

    BBC: Mali: 'Alarm' over food situation in the north

  • The operation will be divided into four basic stages, Costa said in its statement.

    CNN: Wrecked Costa Concordia to be raised from Italian sea bed

  • 'For people who were born and bred here like me, this used to be a very basic, simple thing to do, ' says Emma Beudert, 24, who manages the operation from a small industrial estate.

    BBC: Escape from New York

  • During the demonstration of RAD for the Server, Dave Mendlen, Visual Studio product planner, built what he called a "middle-tier business object" for a wine-selling Web site using six lines of code, an operation that he said would take "hundreds of lines of code" with the current version of Visual Basic 6.

    CNN: Technology - Gates offers developers glimpse of Next Generation Windows

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