Henderson is looking forward to getting back to the basics of running GM instead of worrying about bankruptcy.
Later, they can be introduced to the basics of insurance, taxes, debt and investing.
WSJ: Getting Going: Is There a Cure for Financial Illiteracy?
During weekly sessions, employees teach the trainees the basics of every position in the restaurant.
CNN: Troubled youth kicking it 'old skool' at San Fran bistro
And, on the basics of disability etiquette, so that no one inadvertently offends someone else.
Lori Johnson, a longtime auto mechanic, teaches car-owners the basics at Ladies Start Your Engines.
You may be a great leader and you may miss the basics for the company.
FORBES: A Global Leader's Perspective on CEO Leadership: Part One
Understanding the basics of marketing is essential in getting your name out and gaining clientele.
FORBES: 10 Things to Consider When Starting a Business in a Down Economy
"He did the basics very, very well and I'm delighted for him, " said Meehan.
If you do the basics well then you can build off the back of it.
"I wanted to get back to the basics after the last start, " Wainwright said.
But even the basics of trip planning can become much simpler using a specialist.
Once Canon engineers had drafted the basics, they brought in Meitec to help design components.
"He did the basics very, very well and I'm delighted for him, " he said.
Many of the basics of the now common warehouse model were determined with this early venture.
FORBES: The Costco Factor: To Win The Business Game, You Need to Change How You Think
But none of them stand a chance unless we layer them on top of the basics.
But before you study the defensive maneuvers you should understand the basics of aid formulas.
FORBES: Paying for College: Five Rules to Protect Your Retirement
Snyder, who had little experience with powerpoints, had to learn the basics on her own.
First thing, novice tax filers need to understand the basics of the tax system, says G.
My questions started with the basics: Are carriers cold war relics as critics charge?
It is rather a question of when, not whether, to start formal teaching of the basics.
Beginning with the basics, Napolitano in the introduction lays out neatly the explanation of natural rights.
But even after mastering the basics, dealing with the social aspects of gluten-free living proved challenging.
Once you've mastered the basics, apply to train as an apprentice with Alpine Ascents.
During the short period I learned the basics of the profession and then just honed it.
UNESCO: Batinova-transcript | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
Everyone has to figure out the basics, like just getting a business running again.
Instead of learning the basics, a kid would rely on calculators and fuzzy, feel-good concepts.
More than three quarters of investors say they have a grasp on the basics.
FORBES: Three Key Investment Concepts Everyone Needs to Know
Queues for the basics of life - bread and fuel - grow ever longer.
Choosing (or making) the perfect golf club means understanding the basics of physics and engineering.
Companies need to teach all their employees the basics of how to write a speech.