Having demolished the cake, the bear turns and slips back into the thick foliage.
The Bear Stearns group includes Gregory Hanley and Alan Mintz, former co-heads of the distressed-debt group.
So you'd think that publicly traded DST would be the belle of the bear market.
The ceremony was followed by a reception at the Bear's Club in Jupiter, Fla.
But the bear market of 2000-02 showed how dangerous it was to rely on stockmarkets alone.
Mr. Clark measured the bear and asked whether the hunter wanted an open or closed mouth.
WSJ: After Long Hibernation, Taxidermists Make a Killing During Bear Season
Those who outrun the bear of recession often go on to buy struggling rivals.
Between the bear market and terrorism's effect on travel, expensive wines are feeling squeezed.
We just recently, in the last 30 days, broke out of the bear market.
The stock market rolled over (the vertical blue line) into the bear market in October, 2007.
It's the second time fans have had cause to worry for the bear's health recently.
BBC: Polar bear cub Knut was defiant in the face of death threats
Between 1997 and 2004, the bear population of Baffin Bay fell by about one-quarter.
Judy Hindmarsh, who runs the Bear Hotel, said several film crew members were staying there.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South East Wales | Depp on location in Crickhowell
But the staff will always fire into the air first, to scare the bear away.
The bear market has made many companies determined to limit their exposure to risky pension-fund obligations.
ECONOMIST: The companies with the biggest holes in their pension funds
They became convinced, after the bear market of 2000-02, that they were overcommitted to shares.
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Levy predicts that all the factors reducing profits will prolong the bear market.
Considerations of this type were very much in our minds during the Bear Stearns episode in March.
Amid a sea of rumors, firms stopped trusting the Bear's ability to repay, and the bank collapsed.
Exactly how much the bear population has grown in recent decades is a subject of intense debate.
The Bear is controlled remotely and has cameras and microphones through which an operator sees and hears.
Perhaps as a result of the bear market, a growing dissatisfaction has developed with professional financial advice.
FORBES: Who can manage your wealth for you? Look in the mirror.
In other news in New York today, the second anniversary of the bear market bottom just ticked over.
The policeman said the bear was about 7ft (2m) away when he killed it with a single round.
Price remains below the bear cross of the 50 and 200-day moving averages on the daily chart.
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For the investor of a bearish mindset, one will have to take the bear put scenario into play.
It's easy enough to blame the bear market for some of the problems in Singapore and Hong Kong.
Speaking at a luncheon in Washington Friday, Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke wouldn't comment on the Bear Stearns situation.
Since the bear market ended in March 2009, neutral sentiment has only registered 35% or higher six times.
He shot a gray wolf and a black bear, firing his pistol as the bear charged at him.