There are no waiters, only chefs, and the beautiful people are out in force.
Cool stuff like the ESPN X-Games, which of course attracts lots of the Beautiful People.
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Yeoh (also known as Michelle Khan and Yeung Chi King) has placed No. 35 in People magazine's annual list of the 50 Most Beautiful People in the World.
He makes his points with bar charts and photos of the healthy people and beautiful countryside of Crete.
The film is very much about making the Geopark accessible to as many people as possible while showcasing the beautiful bay.
Citizen Couture: Former tax professional-turned-freelance photographer Jason Jean focuses on beautiful people within the fashion world and creative communities, but anyone can appreciate the subjects' seemingly effortless style.
Brown, who has rapped on some of his songs, was bold when he hit the stage: He started with the European-flavored "Beautiful People, " where he was backed with futuristic dancers and Auto-Tune.
In Exeter's beautiful cathedral close the people wave their union jacks and flags of St George, cheer everything and tell you they've come for the children's sake, or because they remember the last time she was here, or because they think the monarchy is wonderful and the Queen herself admirable.
It is one of the most beautiful places in the world to sail and the young people gain so much from the experience.
It comes as no surprise that the new site has a beautiful and comprehensive style guide behind it for the people who publish content.
"People say the cape would be more beautiful without all this, but New Zealand would be much more beautiful without people, " Robertson argued to a newspaper.
Maybe there is a better way to compensate people for keeping the beautiful exteriors of classic buildings intact as they are adapted to different uses, but the historic tax credit is one of the ways we do it.
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One of the most beautiful things about New York is its diversity of people that live together in the confines of one of the largest cities in the world.
The idea was to try and draw attention to some of the beautiful and historic buildings of the city that so often go unnoticed as people go about their daily business.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Tyne/Wear | Best foot forward for public art
The tourbillon remains a beautiful and fascinating complication which can now be enjoyed by many more people thanks to the diligence of Chinese mechanical watch makers.
Dangling like a raindrop from Africa's rock bottom, the city is all beach, barbecue and beautiful people.
Recent concerns about too-skinny models, increasing interest in exposing Photoshopped versions of already-beautiful people, and of course the constant use of celebrity plastic surgery as a topic for satire suggest that there is a broad undercurrent of distrust about body modification that places people too far outside a certain norm.
"The idea really is to provide a beautiful, comfortable, quiet lounge where people can come if they'd like to and sit amongst the cats, " Ms Dyas told BBC News.
Wanting to create a product so iconic and beautiful where people drop their jaws at the sight of it.
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Some day, in the future, people will look back and remember how beautiful it once was.
It's being - it's telling the truth, and not just rhyming with beautiful melodies so people would buy it.
"The collaboration is about having people come in to see beautiful works of art and objects from jewelry to paintings, in particular for the spring seasons kicking off the spring sales next week with our impressionist and modern evening sale and day sale on the 8th and 9th, " says Ms. Kim.
Finally, order a glass or two of fine champagne at one of the city's stellar nightclubs - try Crystal on Rue Monot for bling or B018 in Quarantine for subterranean cool - then sit back, watch Beirut's beautiful people out to play, and toast to the completion of a road trip with which few others back home will be able to match.
It is a beautiful thing when working people can have a voice in the process.
Thank you to the people of Lisbon and Portugal for welcoming us to this beautiful, ancient city.
And he encouraged people to be happy because they live near the most beautiful lake in the world.
They could look like frogs and people would still tell him his daughters are the most beautiful girls in the world.
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The stated aim of the league is to promote the beautiful game in India, a country of 1.2 billion people that has long languished in football's global rankings --158th in the world on FIFA's latest list.
On the corner of Bleecker and Bowery is Double Crown, a magnet for beautiful people, serving elegant Pan-Asian food in an industrial-chic space.
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