The motion of the chest and abdomen during breathing impedes the wireless radio signals crisscrossing a bedridden patient, who in the study was Patwari himself.
ENGADGET: Researchers use wireless network to monitor breathing, could save lives
The story about the man with a bedridden wife made me think.
The second fall left her bedridden and depressed until a friend introduced her to Zola.
Heart failure patients suffer from weakened hearts, which in the worst case leave them bedridden and more likely to die.
The Social Welfare Council pays for 24 qualified "home helpers" to attend to the needs of some 60 bedridden elderly.
So with longevity come sharply reduced odds of being bedridden for long at the end of your life.
As workers started to lay a wooden brace at the base of the dome, Brunelleschi suddenly became bedridden, leaving Ghiberti in charge of building a structure he had not designed.
Had Mr Gonzales, when he was White House counsel, tried to push a bedridden John Ashcroft, then the attorney-general, into approving a controversial wiretapping programme?
If a bedridden person or baby moves, the wireless system detects the movement but cannot measure their breathing at the same time.
ENGADGET: Researchers use wireless network to monitor breathing, could save lives
Mr Haqqani, now said to be bedridden, was a minister for border and tribal affairs when the Taliban ruled Afghanistan.
ECONOMIST: The Pakistani army��s complex relationship with jihadists
At the age of 60, she is trying to care for a husband left bedridden after a series of strokes.
Mr Kahn has been bedridden after a fall at a campaign rally, but a doctor treating him told the BBC that the PTI leader would be walking again within two weeks, with the help of a temporary brace.
The entry records that the deceased suffered for more than a year from "intermittent difficulty in breathing" and adds that he was bedridden and "totally paralyzed for two months" before his death.