Rep. Allen West is one of the best known first-term Tea Party House members.
But perhaps the best known player hoping to impress is former Leeds striker Michael Bridges.
Frank Bough was one of the best known personalities on television for more than thirty years.
Specifically, he applied two of the best known analyst tools: technical and fundamental analysis.
The best known of this shafted group was Ken McCamey, who accompanied Hancock through decades of prospecting.
Apart from the Virgin Mary, he is the best known and the most honored of Catholic saints.
Three years, the best known, is the amount of time the IRS has to adjust your return.
FORBES: When It Comes to the Two Year Statute - You are on Your Own
An unwanted by-product, they are formed when heating processes create certain chemicals - chlorine is the best known.
He is the best known gubernatorial candidate and has raised far more money than all his opponents combined.
The best known brand is the continental one, favoured by the French, Germans and some of their neighbours.
The best known and more moderate version comes from the American Heart Association.
However, some readers were incensed by my criticism of SpaceX, the best known of the new commercial launch companies.
Tests have shown Cambrios material beats the best known material used today called indium-tin-oxide, or ITO, and costs less.
FORBES: High-tech MIT spin-out Cambrios teams on Touch Screen Breakthrough
The best known is Fred Thompson, who announced his candidacy on September 5th.
One of the best known franchises is the McDonald's chain of hamburger restaurants.
The best known of these was an old pal of Turkes, Abdullah Catli.
Among the seven Karzai brothers, Hamid and Ahmad Wali were the best known.
The annual event, now in its ninth year, was attended by the best known culinary names in the United States.
All three left Fairchild Industries to found Intel, and Grove, the best known of the three, was CEO from day one.
FORBES: 40% Of The Largest U.S. Companies Founded by Immigrants or Their Children
It included some of the best known examples, such as too much imaging for back pain and repeating colonoscopies too frequently.
Striker Mulligan, 25, is the best known of the group with over 100 appearances during a two-and-a-half year spell with Gillingham.
Anita Campbell, owner of two of the best known websites for small business owners: Small Business Trends and BizSugar.
FORBES: 12 More Ways To Be Legendary And Successful On Social Media
One of the best known statues is the ivory Venus of Lespugue, whose ample form greets the visitor to the show.
WSJ: Powerful Images From a 'Primitive' Age | Ice Age Art | British Museum | By Richard Holledge
But I think a panic and a reaction set in, which has actually now made me the best known MP in Britain.
The best known examples of this are multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis.
The best known - and probably the most successful - was Canary Wharf, now the hub of the UK's financial services industry.
BBC: Business community's mixed feelings on enterprise zones
Look at what's happened on the stock market to two of the best known names in technology over the last three months.
In addition, the best known international brands also received the most interest.
The best known television debate was the Kennedy Nixon debate of 1960.
Qatari-owned Al Jazeera is the best known of the racier channels, but it is only one of a dozen 24-hour Arabic-language news providers.
ECONOMIST: The authorities want to control the airwaves��if they can