He is instead keen on a grouping of the big five, adding Britain, Italy and Spain.
He says he would break the big five unions' statutory stranglehold on representation in companies.
The big five banks snapped up the leading stockbroking firms in the 1990s, becoming universal banks.
Still, there is no guarantee that the Big Five are about to become the Big Four.
The best way to accomplish that could be an association with one of the big five.
Yet adding lawyers may make the big five firms even harder to run than they are already.
The big five SOE banks saw loan defaults rise quarter over quarter for the first time since 2005.
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All the big five movie studios have told Google to remove Android apps that "pirate" content, reports Reuters.
It is not just lawyers who are upset at the Big Five's plans.
He could re-up with BMG, dump it in favor of a rival or spurn the Big Five altogether and challenge them head-on.
Outside the big five, in Scotland the big two, Celtic and Rangers, accounted for 67% of Scottish Premier League clubs' total revenues.
As at end March 2011, the Big Five provided custody for 16.9 percent of total of brokerage industry individual customer equity holdings.
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Still, over the last five years the company has been the most adventuresome--at least by number of exploratory wells drilled--of the Big Five.
In order to remedy the U.S.-Japan trade imbalance in 1985, the big five industrial nations agreed to depreciate the dollar against the yen.
Then there are the more or less shadowy plans by members of the Big Five currently without a mobile phone OS to their name.
Game is absurdly plentiful here: We saw the Big Five on our first evening, including a pair of lions who began mating loudly in front of us.
Despite disagreement about how to tackle globalisation, there is universal agreement that the big five accounting firms represent little threat, except in the specialist area of tax advice.
After the new policy takes effect this week, the big five banks have all set their one year savings deposit rates at 3.5%, unchanged from before the move.
In Britain, the Big Five's plans to limit liability for their mistakes or negligence met with opposition from their investment-banking and venture-capitalist clients, who complained to the competition authorities.
Unlike Enron itself, which seems likely to liquidate (though it may have a future under a different name), Andersen, one of the Big Five accounting firms, has a future as a going concern.
Despite a decent knowledge base, established brands and a captive domestic market for consumer electronics, the big five have failed to bear the pain of a global downturn in the market for chips.
The foreclosure probe by 50 state attorneys general is ongoing, but Iow AG Tom Miller said last week that JPMorgan and Bank of America might be the first of the big five lenders to settle the matter.
Even with the new cash, SEC officials say it has become difficult to attract accountants in a tight job market, despite the layoffs resulting from the demise of the big five firm (now big four) Arthur Andersen after its federal conviction for destroying Enron audit documents.
The new program is aimed at the 20 prime dealers of Treasury securities, a list that includes the big five brokerages, Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Morgan Stanley, Bear Stearns and Lehman Brothers, as well as Citigroup, Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase and, perhaps significantly, Countrywide Financial 's securities division.
The reason is that George Osborne is minded to accept the recommendation of the Independent Commission on Banking for a "substantially enhanced divestiture" by Lloyds - which the commission believes is essential in order to create an effective new competitor to the big five UK banks, Lloyds, Royal Bank of Scotland, Barclays, HSBC and Santander.
Prof Barnosky and colleagues compared the rates of known species extinctions in mammals, birds and amphibians during the last five centuries with those estimated from the fossil record during the previous Big Five die-outs of the geological past.