At moments like that, the big guy on the dime could fit on a tarnished penny.
And the other dimension is should the government help the little guy or help the big guy?
Ryan set a beautiful, just beautiful pick and roll for Colton to give a shout-out to the big guy upstairs.
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They're interested in avoiding systemic crises that would hurt the little guy as much as the big guy, that would hurt everybody.
This would be Thompson's first and only trip to Manley, and the big guy, in his eighth season with the Hoyas, was unfazed.
They're very pesky, and obviously the big guy had one of those unbelievable nights that happens once in a while in a World Series.
Trade negotiations with both Korea and Central America failed when Canada's would-be partners noticed the big guy from next door walk on to the dance floor.
The decision to remain at his alma mater has come perhaps with a little urging from the big guy, and Hopkins recently moved into a new home in the Syracuse suburbs with wife Tricia and their three children.
The chances that he will head straight to the fridge for a snack and then move on to the freezer for dessert are just about 100% but the odds that the Big Guy will find time to also visit with Pops are pretty high.
Walt's also high on the inclusion of WiFi and the portrait-mode keyboard, but ain't nothing gonna make that BlackBerry browser any good, and the big guy says the touch interface still feels tacked to the rapidly-aging BlackBerry OS. So Walt -- now that you've confirmed RIM and Verizon's big holiday launch, what can you tell us about pricing and availability?
And, of course, we have Marius Rossillon, who went by the name of O'Galop and started doing the big Michelin posters of Bibendum, the big fat guy.
There are the group of girls who stare at the tattooed guy with the big truck, either because they are wondering the same thing I am or because they like his tattoos and big truck.
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Boehner may prove himself to be the guy big enough and smart enough finally to engineer something that eluded even the great Reagan: pushing federal spending onto a downward trajectory.
She later told the court that, on the bus to Drimsynie, she heard that "the guy from Big Brother is going" but said that she did not watch the television programme.
Howard Jonas is quirky and Harvard-educated, the big-picture guy.
That means the small guy has a chance against the big guys like Apple and Google.
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But the big enchilada, the guy who takes home the million bucks.
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And then there's The Adventures of Big Handsome Guy and His Little Friend, about two friends, one for whom things come easily and another for whom nothing does.
The kicker here though is: as much as I like this unit, I'll feel badly for the owners of this big guy when HD-DVDs and Blu-Ray disks come around.
Shareholder class action lawyer Rich ard Dannenberg, who represents the little guy against big corporations, says he was snookered by a Kentucky coal mine tax shelter fraud because, he admits, he trusted people he shouldn't have.
When it comes to sticking it to the other guy in order to make big money for their side of the bargaining table, these people clearly have no equals.
"It's wonderful, fantastic, news and a real triumph for the little guy against the big banks, " she said.
There are no guarantees in this business, but siding with the Big Money over the little guy is generally a winning strategy.
"Pick the guy with the big nose, " the witness recalls being told.
"The way he skied, he was so light even though he was a big guy, he was so light on the skis, smooth and he could pull it off -- even though if the first run was not that great, he could really do it on the second run, " the Austrian said.
The first celebrity arrived, a big guy in heavy stage makeup, with well-muscled arms and long blond hair and extremely white teeth.
We always need to be careful not to become so enamored with the high-profile, big-dollar crimes that we forget to protect the little guy.
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It used to be that if you walked in the door of a Cleveland industrial pump distributor, the guy at the door would lug you a big catalog in a three ring binder and let you spend 15 minutes flipping through it to see which ones you thought you might like to buy.
"The one big thing the England team have now is a very reliable and trustworthy guy as far as their protection is concerned, " Caddick told BBC Radio 5 Live.