They said teachers could remind themselves that not all children are at the same stage by taking steps like calling the register in birthorder rather than alphabetically and grouping children together by age.
Fielden admitted to having itchy feet as he sat out last Saturday's 18-18 draw against the Maori after he arrived four days later than the rest of the squad in order to attend thebirth of his first child.
The idea, for instance, that the printing press rapidly gave birth to a new order of information, democratic and bottom-up, is a cruel cartoon of the truth.
Voters would have to provide two proofs of residency, a birth certificate or citizenship papers, and a valid social security card in order to get the required ID.
It said immigration was needed to help offset a slowing birth rate and ageing population, and it needed to find a balance between the number of Singaporeans and foreigners in order to sustain its rate of economic growth.