Dr Myers hopes to have the bits of the jigsaw sorted out by January.
Builders use them to make sure that the bits of complicated structures are assembled on time.
Databases store the bits of a company's information, everything from auto part inventory levels to personnel records.
Each time, colleagues rush to retrieve the bits of paper before waves suck them into the sea.
The weak link in pavement is bitumen, the black petroleum product that holds the bits of rock together.
Experts say those differences present huge technological challenges particularly in figuring out how to get to the bits of melted fuel.
WSJ: Japan to Take 40 Years to Dismantle Fukushima Nuclear Plant
He will come in, work hard and, hopefully, will show the bits of quality I know he has got in him.
So the commission recommends higher standards only for the bits of the banking system that are rooted in the domestic market.
"I can send the bits of information up somewhere so it can be processed in some way from the handheld device, " he explained.
The trouble is that it is hard to disentangle the bits of a dual-currency bond the interest payments in yen and the principal in dollars.
Visceral in the sense of strongly worded, rather than relating to the bits of viscera which fly out under the pressure of an alien's claws.
The increasing success of hackers means that computer and internet security is one of the few bits of the IT business showing healthy growth rates at the moment.
Some of the best bits of the book are where he repeats the fragments in the fractured vivid prose of those expressing themselves with great urgency but little education.
The ring-fence structure makes a distinction between the bits of banking that need saving (deposit-taking banks, payment systems and the like) and the bits that do not (bonus-gorging investment bankers).
The boffins in the boardrooms may not like it, but in the future they will have to spend more time worrying about the bits of their business that don't win Nobel prizes.
When neuroscientists talk about the link between neural activity and conscious thoughts, he says, they're not claiming that the bits of the brain that light up in scans are synonymous with the mind.
The thinking is that the bits of the banks that lend to and take deposits from British households and small businesses need special protection, by being financially and legally separate from the rest of the firm.
By working closely together, aerodynamicists and designers can determine the precise shape of the various bits of the car's body needed to ensure that the air slows down on all upper surfaces but speeds up on the under surfaces.
Well Money is New Year, a time for clearing out all the bits of financial paperwork we accumulate in our files and cupboards - some of course we have to keep but what and when can we throw them away?
Among the bits of holiday cheer you may have missed in recent weeks was a campaign the major airlines to encourage its frequent flyers to donate some of their miles to one of dozens of charitable organizations across the country.
He was selective in the bits of the Thatcherite agenda he chose to praise - specifically her vision of the "good society" rather than the "no such thing as society" comment - which might not reassure all on the right of his party.
The underlying strength of the VW group is that it manages to make a range of models that appeal to different segments of the market but use many of the same parts, especially in the bits of vehicles that are normally out of sight.
Other planks of their new approach would be to make sure that a bank's critical services continue to operate in a crisis, to endeavour to insulate foreign operations, to shrink the bits of the bank that caused the problems, and to sack culpable management.
Greider, 48, along with her mentor Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn from the University of California, San Francisco, and Harvard scientist Dr. Jack Szostak, were given the Nobel Prize for their work with telomeres, which are the bits of repeating DNA at the end of our chromosomes.
Yet without it, not only the energy industry, but also domestic aviation, railways, public buildings and other legacies of the Soviet Union's industrialisation will decay with increasing speed, putting the bits of Russian industry that are trying to modernise at even more of a competitive disadvantage than the one that they face already.
They both went in a great hurry, and when they were gone the house seemed dreadfully quiet and empty, and the children wandered from one room to another and looked at the bits of paper and string on the floors left over from the packing, and not yet cleared up, and wished they had something to do.
Hindsight and improved medical science has shown that during my short stay in Kabul, I contracted Borrelia bacteria (strains of which in the US cause "Lyme Disease") from ticks, which fell off mice that scampered over my feet during sleep, attracted probably by the bits of sweets given to me lovingly by Madaar (Mother), which I kept in my suitcase under the bed.
But it will consist overwhelmingly of the dodgy bits of the investment bank (such as its leveraged-loan and property activities), which will probably be wound up over several years.
Salaries are one of the few bits of government spending where the public has a good notion of what constitutes value for money, he thinks.
His pitch is simple: the one nation vision of Disraeli runs through the best bits of British history, through the battle against the Nazis and the creation of the NHS all the way to this year's Olympic Games.