He has written extensively about the times in his book, The Black Banners.
Compared to being Fooled By Randomness, the title of his first book, The Black Swan, a rare but powerful event, presents much greater a challenge.
FORBES: More Computational Finance Won't Uncover Black Swan Events
The only politician he discusses at any length in his first book is the black man who was mayor of Chicago when Obama first moved there, in 1985, Harold Washington.
Nassim Taleb also addresses regime change in chaotic systems in his book The Black Swan.
FORBES: Chaos Theory, Financial Markets, and Global Weirding
From an investor's perspective, the idea of planning for low-probability, high-consequence events is well treated in Nassim Nicholas Taleb's book The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable.
More importantly perhaps, it counts Nassim Taleb, who popularized this notion with his best-selling book The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable as a member of its research team.
And the Black Swan is a famous book about extremely rare events that most financial models cannot predict.
These "known unknowns" he dubbed "grey swans", in a reference to Nicholas Nassim Taleb's book "The Black Swan", about the nature of unpredictability.
"It's important for African-Americans to see there are other race struggles going on in the world, " says Wells, whose e-book "Black Paris Profiles, " shares the stories of 24 black American and Afro-Caribbean folks who reinvented their lives here.
The movie inspired the best-selling book "Black Hawk Down" by Mark Bowden and an eponymous, Oscar Award-winning movie directed by Ridley Scott.
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Ironically, paperback rights for the book have been sold to Black Swan, an imprint owned by Bertelsmann.
She happened to have been at a book signing at the largest black bookstore in L.A. when the now-dead person - who wasn't then - James Simpson Lee Hastings Jr.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb, the author of The Black Swan fame has written a new book titled Anti-Fragile: Things That Gain From Disorder in which he provides a reasoned basis for believing that the current Fed policy will bring us way more inflation and much sooner than expected.
It included a copy of the book, of course, but also a few superuseless promotional items, including a black highlighter pen, and this version of the Superuseless Superpowers e-book.
This week, the company released a Web application called Little Black Book for Facebook members.
But the people at Samsung were ready and the little black boxes, no bigger than a book, were already on display.
Nassim Nicholas Taleb, author of The Black Swan (the bestselling econ-philosophy book, not the flick), is someone who has made just such an effort to grace the world with discrete shavings of his perspicacity.
They know that parents have to parent, that children can't achieve unless we raise their expectations and turn off the television sets and eradicate the slander that says a black youth with a book is acting white.
Vehicle damage reports like CarFax are widely available on the Internet and make it easy to spot cars that have been suffered heavy flood damage, said Ricky Beggs, vice president and managing editor of Black Book, a guide to the wholesale market for used car dealers.
And in the center is LinkedIn's richest and fastest-growing opportunity: turning the company's 161 million member profiles into the 21st-century version of a "little black book" that no corporate recruiter can live without.
Inspired by the Portuguese colonists' white bean stew, they created a concoction with the earthier (and in my book, tastier) black beans.
The e-book user interface doesn't compare to black print on white paper, he added.
About five or six months before the book launched, we did a class on how to be black.
One project is The book that disappears, a volume printed on reactive paper that turns black after 20 minutes.
His lunch, which he ate on his own in an enormous, empty dining room while reading a book under the absentminded gaze of the elderly maid, and the black-and-white gaze of his deceased wife looking out from photographs in ornate silver frames, was light: soup and a small portion of fish and mashed potatoes, some of which he would allow to go cold.
This is book keeping with trillions of dollars of financial instruments in the red and black columns.
For instance, he lambastes black folk for our victimology and anti-intellectualism in his book Losing the Race.
The book's title comes from a poem by Langston Hughes, a black American poet, that Mr Mbeki often cites.
That book traced for four years 50 unmarried couples, the majority of them black or Latino, that had babies in 2000, and the findings shot down some of her predictions.