And as they wait for the bomb squad, Marine Sergeant Kyle Gybe(ph) has time to talk about his job.
Mr Price said the bomb squad found the remnants of a small explosive device - "the first of a series of similar devices to be received in the post over the course of that day".
LITTLETON, Colorado (CNN) -- After word from the bomb squad that a suburban Denver high school was safe, investigators entered the building on Wednesday to collect evidence and photograph the scene of the rampage that left 15 people dead, including two teen-age suspects.
The bomb disposal squad has defused at least one device at a garage.
Horst Lenz, the 56-year-old head of the regional bomb-disposal squad tasked with defusing the devices Sunday, said the bomb is the largest among the hundreds of World War II-era bombs he has tackled since beginning his hair-raising career in 1984.
It took a long time for the disposal squad to make the bomb safe and during that time, the Ross family had to sleep deep down, on the platforms of Southgate Tube station.
Security personnel at the building ordered everyone out, and police dispatched a bomb squad to the scene.
The Orange County Sheriff's bomb squad was on campus Monday examining the explosive devices, which have been made safe.
An Orange County Sheriff's bomb squad team examined the explosives and rendered them harmless.
Bomb squad members safely disabled the object, fragments of which were studied to determine what was inside.
CNN: Austin bomb an amateur job or something more insidious?
Since the start of the year, "The Hurt Locker, " which tells the story of an elite squad of bomb disposal experts in Iraq, has picked up numerous critics awards.
Additional security, including a bomb squad, has been dispatched to the site of the attack, Mr. Mujtaba said.
"At lunchtime on Thursday, the PSNI were telling the Policing Board the British Army would not be deployed save for bomb squad support, " said a statement.
At the Bridgeport residence where authorities say he lived most recently, agents with the FBI and local police, including members of a bomb squad, conducted a search, and investigators removed filled plastic bags.
Three members of a bomb-disposal squad were killed in 2010 when the device they were trying to defuse in the German town Gottingen went off.