Contemporary archaeologists of the Bronze Age prefer scientific analysis of potsherds and bones to grand theories.
There are also plans to open more of the Bronze Age copper mine on Llandudno's Great Orme.
From the Bronze Age, finds included a skeleton and from the Iron Age evidence of metal work.
The remains investigated here span 3, 500 years of European prehistory, from the Early Neolithic to the Bronze Age.
Experts date this tale as far back as the Bronze Age, when warmer climates meant people could survive high up on the Alpine plateau.
The 4, 000-year-old remains of the Bronze Age grave or cist, which were found in a peat bog, are set to rewrite the history books.
By the end of 2005 they had some 300 items - from the Neolithic Era, the Bronze Age, the Roman period and medieval times.
Experts say it is unusual for so many organic objects to survive for this length of time in a grave from the Bronze Age period.
Over the past 20 years biologists studying this primitive breed, which has not changed much since the Bronze Age, have noticed that the sheep are getting smaller.
Either way, though, the evidence is pretty indicative that the person wrapped in this cloth would probably have made the Bronze Age Denmark version of the Forbes 400.
FORBES: Ancient Burial Cloth Provides Clues To Bronze Age Trade
Later, Evans also tried to destroy the career of Alan Wace, a young Cambridge scholar who argued that warlike Mycenaeans from mainland Greece had eclipsed the Minoans late in the Bronze Age, a view that today has become widely accepted.
Some 20, 000 pieces--including arms, armour, ceramics, earthenware, seals and decorative arts from ancient Persia, Mamluk Egypt and the Mughal emperors in India and Kuwait of the Bronze Age--were packed in crates and driven to the Iraq National Museum in Baghdad in a 17-lorry convoy.
Nevertheless, stone circles and henges do appear to be connected parts of a tradition that developed in Britain from around 3000 to 2000 BC - in other words, during the later Neolithic period (when agriculture began here) and moving into the earlier Bronze Age (when we see the first use of metals, from about 2400 BC).
The drafting of the World Heritage Convention was inspired by the international synergy of this great project as well as subsequent UNESCO campaigns during the 1960s to conserve treasures such as the city of Venice, Italy, after the great flood of 1966, the threatened Bronze Age city of Moenjodaro in Pakistan, and the Buddhist temple compounds of Borobodur, Indonesia.
They were used all over again in the late Bronze Age (1200-800 BC) as cremation cemeteries and cremation pyres.
Evans wanted fervently to believe that the Minoans' wealth in the late Bronze Age was based on a powerful seafaring empire that extended to mainland Greece.
In another area not far from modern Sibari, near Spezzano Albanese, the archaeologists have unearthed dwellings from the Middle Bronze Age alongside objects of Aegean origin.
ECONOMIST: Letter from Magna Graecia: Dear George?.?.?. | The
We toured nearby Nairn, a fishing port ruled for centuries by the Roses, then drove through fields to the Bronze-Age Clava Cairns, two bus-size circles of stones set within an eerily silent grove.
If you have time, it is only a short 2km drive from here to the little-visited ruins of Khirbet Mukhayyat, believed to be the original ancient town of Nebo, settled since the early Bronze Age.
The Salisbury Hoard, which included more than 500 objects from the Iron Age and Bronze Age, was discovered in 1986 near the city.
Newcastle University researchers have called for urgent action to protect the Neolithic and Bronze Age carvings.
The Ring is a circle of beech trees, planted on a hilltop that had been the site of Bronze Age and Iron Age fortifications, and a Roman temple.
The discovery of a bronze age granite cist, or grave, in 2011 in a peat bog on White Horse Hill revealed the first organic remains found on the moor and a hoard of about 150 beads.
BBC: 'Amazing' treasures revealed in Dartmoor bronze age cist
Their monuments survive, but their houses (rare exceptions aside, particularly in Orkney) are lost to us, so in the later Neolithic and earlier Bronze Age, these henges and stones circles seem to have been the prime concerns of the people who built them.
The Crossrail archaeologists say the large network of timber pathways gave Bronze Age hunters easier access to the wildlife living on the area's lush wetlands.
BBC: Bronze Age transport route 'found during Crossrail dig'
The collapse of early Bronze Age civilizations in modern-day Greece, India and Greece have been theoretically linked to abrupt climate changes about 4, 200 years ago.
Other finds turned up in the course of excavations for the rail route include bones from prehistoric animals, Bronze Age and Roman tools, and the largest piece of amber ever uncovered in Britain.
Y. systems engineer Michael Crisafulli , 55, a history buff, has taken a volunteer trip nearly every year since 1991-including the 1994 excavation of a Bronze Age site in Borja, Spain where he met his wife, Karen, a teacher.
Here it is thought the team will come across areas where Bronze Age people lived, farmed and hunted some 3, 500 years ago.