• For example, the federal government is now in the business of limiting lunch-time calories to high school athletes.

    FORBES: New Jersey Goes to the Dogs

  • In June 2013 the restaurant launched a business lunch menu promising a full meal in less than 60 minutes, or the tab is on them.

    BBC: Business trip: Johannesburg

  • For an unforgettable view of the Eiffel Tower when it sparkles in the evening, or a bright business lunch under a glass canopy, book a table at Les Ombres, on the rooftop of the Musee du Quai Branly.

    BBC: Business trip: Paris

  • Any overt display of a business purpose to the lunch is considered crass.

    FORBES: Side Lines

  • As such, they appeal to a different class of customers, carving out wholly new markets for themselves before going on to have the industrial Goliaths' business for lunch.


  • There is then an extended break for lunch before the business moves down to the Commons for the debate on the Queen's Speech, which allows the two party leaders to tear chunks out of each other, or gloat over the size of their majority.

    BBC: A rising star eclipses the boss

  • "The real business takes place in the last 10 minutes of the lunch, " he says.

    WSJ: 30-Minute Executive Lunches, at Il Fornaio and Other Restaurants

  • Luis Carlos Villegas, who heads the main business federation, says that he and the main union leaders have lunch once a month with Mr Uribe to discuss these questions.

    ECONOMIST: Colombia

  • The long hours, 'lunch is for wimps' business culture, which saw British managers become some of the world's hardest working, is on the wane, a survey has revealed.

    BBC: Company bosses reclaim weekends

  • In one anecdote, a woman doing business in the Middle East was taken out to lunch by a customer.

    FORBES: Five Schemes for Creative Corruption

  • However, he says he has faced a few bumps so far, including a weaker-than-expected business-lunch crowd, mainly due to the slightly isolated location.

    WSJ: Bruce Palling on Food: Bruno Barbieri Comes to London

  • During the week, it is a popular lunch spot thick with business suits.


  • Motti Dayan and Etgar Zeituni were killed on Tuesday after being seized as they ate lunch with an Israeli Arab business associate in the Palestinian-controlled town of Tulkarem.

    CNN: Killings overshadow Mideast talks

  • One of the items auctioned off was a lunch with me to discuss doing business in China.

    FORBES: Yale And China

  • They should carry the same gravatas as a handshake or a good old-fashioned business lunch where deals get made.

    FORBES: Beyond LinkedIn: Putting Relationships To Work With Datahug

  • Several states, including New York and California, have "public accommodation" laws that say no one can be excluded from private establishments that sell food to the public or show films, exhibitions or athletic teams -- or places whose operations affect commerce "among the several states" -- like clubs where business meetings over lunch might result in corporate mergers.

    CNN: Augusta National a powerful holdout among men-only clubs

  • As I stood up after the lunch, a man came over to me and put his business card in my hand.

    FORBES: China's Crisis of Confidence

  • After all, seeing two officers waltz in at the lunch hour with Glocks strapped to their thighs might be bad for business.

    FORBES: Food & Dining

  • But until the dust settles downtown, when it comes time to make deals, do lunch (or dinner) and bed down for the night, business travellers will likely head to stylish west side haunts in Beverly Hills, Century City, Santa Monica and West Hollywood.

    BBC: Business trip: Los Angeles

  • Among the best answers to this question was provided by a former client, Deepak Advani, Vice President, Predictive Analytics and the head of the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) business, which is part of IBM, at a recent lunch.

    FORBES: How IBM Helped "X Factor" Up Its Ratings

  • Emigrating to Sacramento in 1968 at age 16, after riots in Hong Kong threatened his father's business, Lee started high school without a word of English, skipping lunch for the first few weeks until he learned to point at what he wanted.

    FORBES: The 200 Best Small Companies

  • Immigrating to Sacramento, California in 1968 at age 16, after riots in Hong Kong threatened his father's business, Lee started high school without a word of English, skipping lunch for the first few weeks until he learned to point at what he wanted.

    FORBES: Asia's Best Under A Billion

  • She thought the savory crepes her parents grew up with in France could be a great option for a quick business lunch.

    WSJ: Sweet and Savory Comfort��in a Crepe

  • With extensive research, collaborative meetings and impromptu brainstorm sessions, the three of us (Dan, Miles and myself) met for lunch one day at Balthazar Restaurant in New York City and put the pieces of our business plan together on a napkin.

    FORBES: Why--And How--I Became An Entrepreneur

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