As a result, nice, fresh, free-range geese appear in the butcher's case around the winter holidays.
"I can walk to the bus, walk to the butcher, I know all my neighbors, " she said.
The couple also tracked down the infamous Nazi Klaus Barbie, member of the Gestapo and known as the Butcher of Lyon.
BBC: NEWS | Special Reports | 'Our hunt for the Nazis is over'
Bartenders get each drink started at the butcher block bar area, then do the rest at guests' tables for an up-close experience.
President Obama and the Democrats have placed a number of their sacred cows on the butcher block (the negotiating table?).
FORBES: Lead Like the Debtors in D.C.? Well, Maybe Some of Them . . .
Wayne Novotny, the butcher at Bill and Ken's Taxidermy, has been putting in 12-hour days and sleeping on a cot there.
WSJ: After Long Hibernation, Taxidermists Make a Killing During Bear Season
It's a busy Sunday at the butcher's stall at the (foreign spoken) or the flower market, in the San Louis district of Caracas.
Alternatively, if the butcher is still healthy, the government could tax him, and give his steaks to the candlestick maker to buy cakes.
With origins in the 14th century, it is thought to refer to the "off-fall" from the butcher's block, meaning the less desirable parts.
Another recipient of the medal, Lino Pires, 79, has run the Butcher's Arms Restaurant in Priors Hardwick, near Southam, for more than 38 years.
In lieu of money would he accept some beef for his family from one of my steers nestling in the freezer fresh from the butcher?
FORBES: What Recession? 10 Ways to Keep Your Job and Your Customers in Tough Times
Cashin prepared their meal: two slices each from the cannon-barrel dog sausage made by the butcher in Kenmare, three handfuls each of dry dog food.
They pay through taxes to support the industry, while paying higher prices at the butcher's because they are competing with American consumers for prime cuts.
It simply transfers demand from the butcher to the candlestick maker.
An economy is about commerce and trade and me buying bread from the baker who buys meat from the butcher who buys candlesticks, blah, blah, blah.
The remaining half of the country's goats, which are bred and raised for other purposes, including work as brush-clearers, can end up behind the butcher glass.
The Butcher Shop and Grill on the edge of Nelson Mandela Square, a public courtyard and shopping centre in Sandton, is a favourite of tourists and locals alike.
This is like the wife saying she cannot pay the butcher -because the hairdresser and the hockey-club dues were paid leaving no money in the checking account.
The council has refused to release to the BBC details of food hygiene inspections at John Tudor and Son of Bridgend, the butcher at the centre of the E.coli investigations.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Wales | South East Wales | Council release food report order
His report found there were serious and repeated breaches of food safety regulations at Tudor's premises, and that the butcher had "falsified certain records that were an important part of food safety practice".
Defense attorney Tony Abbatangelo later told the judge he believed Drayton may have been acting in self-defense when he allegedly grabbed the butcher knife, a steak knife and a pizza cutter during the scuffle.
In the days before mass production, mass distribution and mass media, when customers knew the butcher, the baker, and the candlestick maker by name, they made little distinction between the seller and the product or service offered.
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When Adam Smith pointed out that, if people want dinner, they look not to the benevolence of the butcher, brewer or baker, but to their regard for their own interest, his aim was not to portray social interaction as mean and narrow.
Over dinner he says that none of his four sons, the eldest a university student and the youngest just a baby, is likely to continue the family trade, and he and his wife are happy to steer them towards books rather than the butcher's slab.
Sorry, I'll tune in again at bed time, but right now I've just got to hand-sharpen my new Japanese carbon-steel knife and mince shallots for the red-wine reduction sauce I'm slathering on those dry-aged rib-eyes that I got from Joe the Butcher, my new best friend.
And since he spent his days considering the seductive power of images and objects, it was fun to observe that he himself had such a power over the woman in the butcher's who wrapped up his foie de veau, just because she had seen him on television.
Hebrew lettering was stenciled on the butcher shop window and engraved on the lintels of the small neighborhood synagogues, but nowhere else (other than at the cemetery) did one's eye chance to land on the alphabet of the prayer book rather than on the familiar letters of the native tongue employed all the time by practically everyone for every conceivable purpose, high or low.
The butcher had been a good man, friendly to her mother, always offering a kind word and picking out the best cuts for her, but his wife had been mean and silent as she took the money, and sometimes she had kept it a little longer in her hand, staring at it, as if she thought it might be some kind of foreign currency.