For the people that have the capital assets, what are the things that they buy?
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And those financial assets are a stock: they are (to an acceptable level of detail) the capital assets from which we make that added value.
To state the obvious, capital assets and consumer goods prices rise and fall all the time, and their fluctuations are essential for telling the markets what economic concepts should receive capital in abundance, and which ones should be starved of it.
In truth, the dollar debasement that made housing nominally more attractive served to harm the economy as capital flowed into the unproductive assets of the ground instead of the productive, intellectual assets of the mind.
The company acquired the assets of Allied Capital below book value in April 2010, maintained its dividend of 35 cents per share for the past seven quarters and returned shareholders almost 25% per year on average since 2008 (with dividends reinvested).
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While burying your money in the ground wastes its talents, most save via bank accounts or through the purchase of capital assets.
The theory: The riskier the assets, the more capital financial institutions should have for a cushion.
The problem is that until banks have all the capital they need, and as I have already mentioned, all the banks will be sorely tempted to boost the ratio of their capital to assets by lending less, to shrink the denominator in the calculation.
Long and short of it was, if IR could get back the market share it was losing while at the same time boosting its return from capital assets, Kumar could return the operation to a sound footing even without touching the mass fares or laying off staff.
The Unburnable carbon 2013: Wasted Capital and Stranded Assets report says the listed companies analysed own 762 billion tonnes of CO2 in the form of coal, oil and gas.
On the one hand, the ratio of capital to assets would be boosted very significantly in "good" RBS, because some loans and investments with very high risk weights (in the jargon) would have been detached.
Au set up a general ledger for PLP to categorize and account for all transactions affecting the partnership assets and Capital accounts 10 as well as ledger income beginning in 1999. accounts were established for each partner to show distributions to each partner, income received by the partnership, and expenses incurred by the partnership.
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When the dollar is weak, capital chases the inefficient illusion reflected in assets of the earth over true growth.
Pillar 1 provides the guidelines on the valuation of assets, liabilities and capital requirements and defines the financial resources that a company needs to hold in order to be considered solvent.
The process of lending money against the security of assets, or trading assets with the banks' capital, helped to push asset prices even higher.
To come around to the position that mortgage backed-securities should be avoided, a banker would have to conclude that the losses to these assets would exceed the cost of capital penalties.
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What is important, however, is that the amount of capital relative to gross assets that Vickers wanted for very big banks was significantly higher than the proposed new internationally agreed leverage backstop, enshrined in the Basel lll rules, of 3%.
In a Deloitte study of 20, 000 US firms, the rate of return on assets and invested capital declined by 75 percent during the period 1965-2011.
Along with five others, they had been forced to draw up restructuring plans after falling short of the 8% ratio of capital to risk-weighted assets that is considered the acceptable minimum by international financial regulators (by more than six percentage points in the case of Commercial Bank of Korea).
Success often means wringing as much as possible from inadequate capital assets: the British public sector, argues Tony Travers of the London School of Economics, is typically trying to deliver continental European levels of service with American levels of tax.
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Before the creation of the FDIC, banks held as much as 25% capital against their assets, however with the creation of deposit insurance those ratios moved to approximately 6% and remained there until the recent crisis.
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Though they knew they could buy the newly distressed assets for a song, they lacked the capital to finance the deals.
Self-assessment involves completing a tax return in order to tell the HMRC about income and capital gains - profits on the sale of certain assets - or to claim tax allowances or reliefs against your tax bill.
Taper relief meant that those who held on to assets for longer would pay a lower rate of capital gains tax when they sold the relevant assets.
Since the middle of 2007, Morgan Stanley has raised about twenty billion dollars in new capital and cut in half its leverage ratio the total value of its assets divided by its capital.
While the banks might need five years to get these assets off their balance sheets, John Osbon, founder of Osbon Capital Management, foresees the American taxpayer being on the hook for said banks and assets for a decade.
The financial subplot of the corporate playscript describes how the company uses its assets and capital to generate returns.
So if you die with depreciated assets, the potential capital loss that you could have claimed goes to waste.
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Paul Miller of Friedman Billings Ramsey, an investment bank, says a government bad bank can pay more for assets than a private investor because its cost of funds is irrelevant, it needs no capital and can hold the assets to maturity.
As with the capital-gains tax, the new levy doesn't apply to assets held at death.