The Carpenters' enterprise is just one of a number that are springing up in the area.
One fan dubbed them "The Carpenters possessed by the spirit of Led Zeppelin".
David's work was performed by a huge array of artists over the decades, including Perry Como, Louis Armstrong, the Carpenters and Sandie Shaw.
In the past couple of years, the carpenters' union has hired the homeless to picket in Washington and other cities, according to news reports.
People who follow the labor movement say the carpenters' union is the only one they know of in the country that uses the homeless to picket.
Everyone involved from the architect to the carpenters can then have access to this site to check blueprints and orders, change specifications and agree delivery dates.
In a single track, Gillis will sample everyone from Mims and Diana Ross to The Carpenters and Metallica, all on top of each other.
The first guests booked in during the Rugby World Cup in 1999, and the Carpenters have since hosted families from as far afield as Portugal and Australia.
It was Tuesday, 4 April 1989 when the first record, We've Only Just Begun by The Carpenters opened the first-ever breakfast show broadcasting to the whole of Wiltshire.
One of the marchers, Roger Washington, who lives in a shelter, recalled the carpenters descending on a meal for the homeless and hiring 140 people in one fell swoop.
One Night could have almost been written by The Carpenters and the groovy All In A Day is a lilting lullaby with the best trad Irish middle eight they've managed to date.
The receipt in the bottle is headed with the name of the chemist, George Nelson Edward, and it records the signatures of the foreman, carpenters and bricklayer who carried out the work.
The International Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, the United Steelworkers and the Transport Workers of America have endorsed him.
In 1959 they spotted another opportunity to make synthetic glue to replace the natural glue that carpenters were using at the time.
We were joined beside the bridge by ironworkers, laborers, and carpenters from the area, some of whom have been out of work for months on end.
He said it every night, inspecting the work of the plasterers and carpenters and carpet installers.
The multitude of carpenters, builders and householders who use it get scant advice about best practice.
In this important mortgage-backed securities case, attorneys for the New Jersey Carpenters Vacation Fund allege that misstatements and omissions regarding residential mortgage loans in offering documents relied upon by buyers of certain mortgage-backed securities resulted in material losses.
Following the architectural plans, the 73-year-old worked with architects and carpenters to rebuild the 3, 088-square-foot house, which was expanded and completed earlier this year.
Opposing Lozman are the Maritime Law Association, marine lenders, and the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners.
FORBES: From Casinos To Carpenters, Watching Houseboat Case At Supreme Court
The Daemokjang are in charge of the entire construction process, including the planning, design and construction of buildings, and the supervision of subordinate carpenters.
Starting in the mid-1990s, a long lineup of batmakers new to the game--from carpenters to Amish craftsmen--got approval from Major League Baseball, and began stealing away stars and the more lucrative minor-league and amateur markets.
For workers in Los Angeles who depend on the entertainment industry, such as carpenters, lighting technicians, hairdressers and dry-cleaners, the prospect of film-making coming home is welcome.
ECONOMIST: Some companies have flourished in the wake of the attacks
Among the largest shortages reported by NAHB during a June survey: carpenters and framers, some of the first people hired for new home construction.
FORBES: As Construction Begins Rebound, Looming Labor Shortages Raise Concern
Yes, there are a few unemployed plumbers and carpenters around at the moment, this is true.
In a recent survey of Welsh companies, the Construction Industry Training Board found that 69% of participating companies had found difficulties in recruiting skilled staff, with employers experiencing the most difficulty in recruiting carpenters and joiners and bricklayers.
"It was a very simple and effective way to inject money into the Mexican economic system and make it flow down to the base, to construction workers and carpenters, " says Mr. Castro.
What you'll often see is a group of undocumented immigrants doing scut work - doing sweeping up, carrying heavy stuff, setting up the machinery, working alongside either native-born or documented immigrants who are doing the higher-paid skilled work - carpenters, electricians, plumbers, that sort of thing.
NPR: Immigrants Tend To Complement, Not Replace American Jobs
In the next, he would reject traditional artists' tools in favor of found objects, black tar paper (textured and pebbly and quite iridescent, giving the impression of a midnight sky) or sentimental postcards, eliminating, in a sense, all traces of technique and skill--and even of the artist (some of the "objects" were assembled by carpenters).