It is from the National Center for Health Statistics, the Center for Disease Control, etc.
According to the Center for Disease Control, 7.3 million people in the U.S. suffer fertility problems.
Call the Center for Disease Control Emergency Response at (770) 488-7100 for answers to any questions.
CNN: A dozen tips for handling mail packages suspected of anthrax contamination
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention estimates that 85% of self-reported drunken drivers were binge drinkers.
"There's a declining trend which is good to see, " said Ursula Bauer of the Center for Disease Control.
Nearly 15, 000 Americans died from unintended consequences of pain reliever use in 2008, according to the Center for Disease Control.
The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has found that children are particularly vulnerable and have the highest exposure to phthalates.
FORBES: Report Finds Toxic Levels of Phthalates Lurking in Popular Back-to-School Items
Insulin pens are injector devices designed to allow multiple self-injections for one person, according to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention's website.
In the comments section, a reader pointed me toward more-detailed data from the Center for Disease Control (CDC), which captures death-certificate data from all the states.
According to the latest data from the Center for Disease Control and the American Cancer Society, more than ten million Americans are living with some form of cancer.
Mark Smolinski, in charge of predicting and preventing disease and drought, knew Brilliant while he was at the Center for Disease Control, and more recently ran research in biological weapons programs at Ted Turner's Nuclear Threat Initiative.
Last week, IBM Research announced a pilot with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention and the Public Health Data Standards Consortium to work on standardizing the exchange of health information among public health departments, doctors, and the CDC.
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In a 2010 laboratory study commissioned by the Campaign for Safe Cosmetics and analyzed by the Environmental Working Group, 17 popular fragrances were found to contain an average of 14 not-listed chemicals, including things like diethyl phthalate (DEP), which the Center for Disease Control has found in 97 percent of Americans and which has been linked to various developmental issues.
The survey, jointly conducted by the China Center for Disease Control, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World Health Organization, shows that seven out of 10 adults reported being exposed to secondhand smoke in a typical week.
But Ms. Wu, of the Shanghai Center for Disease Control and Prevention, told reporters at Friday's news conference that the person had tested negative for H7N9.
Samples are being collected from patients, and the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention is sharing genetic sequences with outside scientists.
This is the Emergency Operations Center at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, which has ramped up its resources to tackle swine flu, a new disease that experts say may evolve into a global pandemic.
The Chinese Center for Disease Prevention and Control has set up a nationwide program to screen for the new virus among patients diagnosed with pneumonia, state media reported.
The Chinese Center for Disease Prevention and Control has set up a nationwide program to screen for the new virus among patients diagnosed with pneumonia, state media report.
Overall, 61% of Americans are overweight or obese, according to the U.S Center for Disease Control.
Advice on controlling the potentially fatal bug has been given by consultants and the US-based Center for Disease Control (CDC).
According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control, a possible antidote may be a year away.
"Most authorities would still recommend use of other preventive methods such as condoms, " even if the HIV-positive sexual partner is on antiretroviral treatment, Kevin De Cock, director of the Center for Global Health at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, wrote in an email.
WSJ: AIDS Study Marks Prevention Breakthrough With Antiretroviral Drugs
The study was conducted by the National Center for Health Statistics, which as part of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention regularly uses telephone surveys as a source of information about public health trends.
Mark Rosenberg, former director of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's injury-prevention center, said in The Wall Street Journal late last year that the agency stopped most of its research on gun violence after 1996, following a successful lobbying campaign by gun-rights groups.
According to Center for Disease Control and Prevention statistics, agriculture is one of the most dangerous industries.
The average American is 36 times more likely to die from heart disease than be murdered, six times more likely to die in an accident and four times more likely to die from Alzheimer's disease, according to data compiled by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Center for Health Statistics.
Fighting childhood obesity is topical today, especially considering the number of overweight adolescents between the ages 12-19 has tripled in the past 30 years from 5.0% to 18.1% (Center For Disease Control).
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Center for Disease Control reports show that due to widespread testing and treatment of pregnant women here in the United States, mother-to-child transmissions have dropped by nearly 90%.