The challenge is, the more people that are working overnight, the more support services you need.
Now Ziese is facing the challenge that he is the right man for the job.
The challenge of transforming the powder into an aerosol cloud was handed to rocket scientist Carlos Schuler.
The challenge was daunting: The electronics and entertainment giant was struggling with red ink and management paralysis.
The challenge for investors is deciding which asset classes to use in a portfolio.
To deal with the challenge, automakers are dreaming up all kinds of high-tech solutions.
He ran 31 miles at each location, and completed the challenge in five-and-a-half days.
We're offering the school to the community if the community wishes to take on the challenge.
At least whoever picks up the challenge needn't worry about the Afghans' blowing the thing up.
So after due consideration, I took the challenge and moved to Kuala Lumpur with my family.
Rask, playing this deep in the postseason for the first time, proved equal to the challenge.
Throughout our history, Americans have risen to the challenge of defending our country and our liberty.
The challenge is getting more people to see the film as there are no public cinemas.
Statkraft isn't blinkered when it comes to the challenge of making this technology pay off.
The challenge was devising a test that accurately simulated something relevant to the behavior being predicted.
As mentioned earlier, the challenge with handwashing is convincing people to make it a habit.
FORBES: Can The Private Sector Drive Meaningful Social Progress? The Case of Global Handwashing Day
The challenge is this: the United States has embraced shale gas and the technique of fracking.
Food price inflation "is exacerbating the challenge of monetary management in anchoring inflation expectations, " it said.
The challenge is to actually validate that your guess about the pain is real.
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So, labor has no doubt about the challenge that lies in the years ahead.
Everyone shares the challenge of changing our business culture of entitlement into a culture of merit.
De Jong was booked for the challenge, but he insisted there was no malice intended.
The challenge, the way to open up new genres, does not depend on photorealism.
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"I was totally impressed because we met the challenge, " Knicks coach Mike Woodson said.
The challenge is to convert some of it into commercial enterprises and entrepreneurial start-ups.
The challenge is further complicated by the perception of Windows as functional software for PCs.
Burck Smith likens it to the challenge newspapers faced when they first launched web sites.
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Whatever the issue, whatever the challenge, whatever the circumstances - it's always the same.
He is one of the first to make a public announcement since the challenge.
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Getting your own company off the ground and running is quite the challenge for any entrepreneur.
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