The chameleon-like Clinton ultimately proved willing to abandon the Democrats, embracing a triangulation strategy that strengthened his personal brand at the expense of his party's brand.
In recent years, the chameleon of snacks has evolved from movie-night standby (tossed simply with butter and salt) to bar-menu favorite (showered in truffle shavings, or bacon).
What good did the right-wingers do for their candidate, the cashmere chameleon Mitt Romney, who managed to run several campaigns at once, telling different groups of voters what they wanted to hear?
CNN: Commentary: McCain's trials on right similar to Schwarzenegger's
And this individual, Khalid Ibrahim, sent Chameleon a thousand dollars up front money in exchange for the software, and after Chameleon sent him the software he was promised another 10, 000 dollars in additional work.
The good news is that, in understanding both the strength and the disadvantage of such chameleon behavior, we recognize the value of it in the beginning to create the familiarity that builds initial trust.
FORBES: How Political Insults Might Be Affecting Your Behavior, and What You Can Do About it
The one-woman play, translated by Gitta Honegger, is called simply "Jackie" but the script calls for such chameleon-like mood changes that maybe the title should have been pluralized.
Back in September, when we named Johnny Depp the highest paid actor in Hollywood, I wrote that his most intriguing upcoming film was the animated Rango about a domesticated chameleon who winds up in the desert town of Dirt.
The project - dubbed Karma Chameleon - involves weaving electronic fabric into clothes in a way that allows the storage of energy from the body.
There are dozens of them available for Android already, with Nova, GoLauncher and Chameleon among the more popular offerings.
Consciously or otherwise, they reinforce Labour's attack on him as Chameleon Dave, the flip-flopper who believes in nothing.
The voters, recognising an aggressive chameleon when they saw one, turned their backs on him.
His advisers insist that Mr Obama is too clever to usher in a new age of over-regulation, that he will stop such nonsense getting out of Congress, that he is a political chameleon who would move to the centre in Washington.
Up till now, Goldstein has been content to work her magic as a chameleon, shape-shifting behind the scenes to create fantasy worlds perfectly suited to whomever bids her power.
As political scientist Eduardo Gamarra correctly points out, until Uribe took the reins of the government the drug industry succeeded in surviving like a chameleon, by transforming itself and readjusting.
But in rebutting the myth that he was a simpleton or a chameleon, she underplays his contradictions.
Windows 3.11 was amazing new technology and there was the wonderful world of the internet which you could browse with cool apps like Netscape or Chameleon.
He added that since Chameleon mimics human clicks, it is tricky for advertisers to easily spot the botnet.
She is something of a social chameleon, able to move between easily different groups with ease, including the press pack.
Cindy Sherman, a 59-year-old chameleon who spends years planning portraits of herself in various personae, briefly held the title as the auction world's highest-priced photographer, female or male, in 2011.
He seems to them too much a pleaser and a chameleon. (Women may share this opinion, but I'm talking about the men).
CNN: Lance Morrow: Among white men, Gore needs to pick up good vibrations