As the equipment at either end of the fibre becomes more sophisticated, the number of channels, and thecapacity of each channel, increase, even though the fibre itself is unchanged.
The highly scalable architecture allows the number of flash channel expanders to be increased depending on the performance and capacity requirements of a particular application.
This longer than expected slow down combined with the continued worldwide capacity expansion has contributed to a significant increase in solar panel inventory throughout the distribution channel.
Standardized by the Advanced Television Systems Committee and formally adopted as the ATSC Mobile DTV Standard, the new technology allows broadcasters to use a portion of the existing 19.4 Megabit-per-second DTV channelcapacity to transmit data with extremely robust characteristics suitable for mobile, pedestrian and handheld applications.
Mr Baker has been overseeing the content of Sky One for several years in his capacity as head of content and creative affairs but had relinquished direct control of thechannel in 2000.