IF, ONE day, the charmed life of Bill Clinton turns into a Greek tragedy, how will Nemesis strike?
As for those outside the charmed circle of college fandom, good luck navigating by the stars of March Madness.
To some extent, those beyond the charmed circle of European governments may well think that she should indeed exert more influence.
He won a scholarship to Cambridge, gained a first in law and was admitted to the charmed circle of barristers (who in Britain work in the higher courts).
Many thought that the real reason was that she was an outsider, a brainbox with a provincial background, not a member of the charmed circle of reformers in Warsaw.
The film cried out for someone outside the charmed Macca circle to have a say on an output which just emphasised what better songwriters both John Lennon and George Harrison proved themselves to be after the Beatles.
When the early modernist message crackled across Europe like an electric charge, Aalto was quick to enter the charmed circle that included Le Corbusier, the historian Siegfried Giedion, and artists like Hans Arp, Constantin Brancusi and Fernand Leger, whose organic abstractions were soon to influence his own use of form.
What if he courted the media and charmed the Fortune 500 CEOs?
The actress charmed to be sure, but the retailer paying the bill got lost in the comedy bit.
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Over three weeks, the event charmed 134.3 million viewers, making it the most-watched since 2005, when 141.7 million tuned in.
This is not the first time the Superhero presentation has charmed the public.
The latter charmed about 2.1 million viewers, on average, according to the Nielsen Company.
But part of what makes the enterprise charmed, at least for me, is its solitude.
The show charmed some 7.5 million weekly viewers, on average, last season.
In fact, when the Olympics went head to head with Idol in the 9 p.m. hour, the Games charmed an even larger audience of 30.1 million.
At the panel discussion I moderated afterward, Jackie charmed the hall.
Thus far this season, the show has charmed 14.8 million viewers per show, making it the top-rated comedy on the air.
The list of politicians charmed by George Osborne is yet to reach the length his closest allies might wish.
Defences were always likely to be stretched in the energy-sapping conditions and the Leeds tryline lived a charmed life for much of the first half.
Bacon charmed the crowd when he quoted from what he dubbed the Holy Book of the South: Gone With the Wind.
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Had I not acted like my own travel agent and charmed the customer service agent, I would have missed my speaking opportunity.
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In his first outing as a national political figure, Mr Ryan looked like his old self: a sinewy, genial figure who charmed the crowds in a checked shirt, jeans and cowboy boots.
All this talk of a Bitcoin bubble has annoyed the true believers - an interesting mixture of libertarians and cryptographic specialists charmed by the idea of a currency that embodies many of the open and virtually ungoverned principles of the internet itself.
But the 56-kbps hookup should satisfy first-time surfers charmed by access to the vast library of the Web and by letters that arrive in a matter of minutes instead of days.
E-Trade, no longer the center of a charmed industry, suddenly must prove it can exist in its own right.
Folks, like myself, who are charmed by the hangout atmosphere at Starbucks (Johnson envisions coffee bars in his new stores).
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Sandy Boss said she was charmed by the bright, quirky man who called himself Clark Rockefeller and she believed everything he told her about himself.
Sander was so charmed by the arrangement that, in April 2010, she signed up for another three years and declared she could work for them indefinitely.
Dr. Ferrara joined Genentech as a junior scientist in 1988, and his colleagues were charmed by the slightly disheveled Sicilian who drove to work on his Yamaha VMAX motorcycle and paced the hallways, muttering to himself, when his work was going well.