The BBC has certainly not wasted the opportunity to promote itself with the 30, 000 Christmas cards the corporation send out.
Meanwhile, Ben Schott's Miscellany series, which started out as a way of enlivening the author's Christmas cards, became a trivia phenomenon to rival the Guinness Book Of Records.
On a more personal note, promotions such as sending promotional gifts, birthday cards, or staying in touch over the holidays with business Christmas cards are additional ways to express appreciation and potentially increase customer retention.
The campaign's supporters handed out Christmas cards with a "seasonal message" from the train companies.
There are no nativity plays in France's strictly secular state schools, no carol-singers in the streets and almost no Christmas cards two per person on average, compared with 28 in Britain, and then usually as greetings for the new year.
She writes on her blog that Christmas cards are really important to the family and get better every year.
The money was used for such political purposes as mailing Christmas cards to supporters.
An estimated 750 million cards will be posted in the UK this Christmas.
Warren's sixteen-year-old daughter, Kate, came in, and I asked her if she wanted to see the studio portraits I had taken of Rose for my Christmas cards.
He sat in a chair, opened the end table drawer next to him, pulled out a Converse shoe box, the sort of box in which you kept your old photos or Christmas cards, and handed it to me.
There were so many stores decorated with tinsel and streamers and balloons, selling little artificial fir trees, displaying gross Christmas cards hawkers had even set up on the sidewalks peddling these nauseous things (usually with pictures of a snowy scene in Vermont and some saccharin verse inside about ol' Jack Frost).
In the days leading up to the primary, there were reports of campaign smear tactics, including fake Christmas cards and phony telephone surveys intended to slander candidates.
Thrift clubs take subscriptions from members each week, top up the total savings with proceeds from events, raffles and football cards, and pay the money back to members just before Christmas.
As a result, many Christmas shoppers will fail to notice fraudulent payments on their cards, the survey concludes.
Powell says companies are increasingly keen to use Christmas cards as an extension of their corporate branding, with traditional imagery such as the Three Wise Men being replaced by logos.
This increase in consumer spending in December can also be attributed to the holiday shopping season from Thanksgiving through Christmas when consumers are more likely to turn to their credit cards for purchases.
This coming Saturday's release of the LeBron 9 Freegums shoe will come at a time when shoppers are armed with gift cards and Christmas money, he said.
While most of this week is full of catalog titles -- that are probably meant to help you use up all those gift cards you got over Christmas -- there is at least one day and date title, The Duchess.