The result, the theory goes, would be an end to the chronic inflammation that arthritis causes, and thus to the chronic pain.
Up to 47% of bears later died of liver and gallbladder tumours, a consequence of the chronic inflammation and infections caused by invasive bile collection techniques.
Solve the problem of chronic inflammation, then, and a cure for atherosclerosis may come closer.
The curious question is why the inflammation would become chronic in atherosclerosis, when in the case of most infections it is transient.
To put it plainly, chronic inflammation can provide the framework for, if not outright cause, a lot of the major chronic disease states.
FORBES: If All Roads Lead to Inflammation, How Do We Get to Health?
Another big advantage to Leukine: It is being tested for Crohn's disease, a chronic inflammation of the digestive system that is difficult to treat.
The 62-year-old former nurse from Menlo Park, Calif. suffered from chronic sinusitis, a recurring inflammation of the cavities behind the eyes and nose commonly caused by bacterial or viral infections.
But chronic inflammation is not restricted to the arterial walls.
Although the researchers did not explicitly examine the health of their simian charges, chronic, generalised inflammation is a risk factor, in people, for a long list of ailments ranging from heart trouble to Alzheimer's disease.
Chronic pericarditis is usually associated with chronic inflammation and may result in fluid around the heart (pericardial effusion).
The link to obesity was made when scientists investigated "metabolic inflammation", a chronic, low-level condition often seen in obesity-related diseases.
There are helpful primers on the role of different fats, the importance of protein and how excess weight plays into harmful inflammation in the body, which is linked to heart disease and other chronic conditions.
WSJ: Healthy Reader: 'Thinner This Year,' by Chris Crowley and Jen Sacheck
Chronic inflammation, however, can be a problem (as in arthritis) and acute inflammation in the form of toxic shock is life-threatening.