More contentiously, she cited the fact that some European governments ban kosher slaughter, and that there have been proposals in Germany and Norway to ban the circumcision of baby boys.
However, liberals point out, in the same book God also forbade the eating of pork and seafood, and called for the circumcision of boys injunctions from the Almighty that most mainstream Christian churches have chosen to ignore.
Denmark and Scandinavian governments are also considering limiting the practice of circumcision which has constituted one of the foundational rituals of Judaism for four thousand years.
International donors and governments should join together to spread the good news about circumcision and make the procedure available everywhere.
Roughly half of the men underwent medically supervised circumcision at the start of the trial, while the other half were circumcised two years later.
Indeed, amid the gloom about microbicides and vaccines, circumcision is the one bright spot in the field of AIDS prevention.
Meanwhile in the US, circumcision came to be so widespread, "it became part of how people viewed the normal body, " says Gollaher.
Until the subject of the SF anti-circumcision motion came up, I was unaware of the phenomenon of foreskin envy.
FORBES: I'm Not Making This Up Dept.: San Francisco Mulls Ban On Circumcisions
Muslim theology might, in theory, allow for some flexibility in the age of circumcision.
The demand for circumcision seems to have caught everybody off guard.
ECONOMIST: The XVIIth International AIDS Conference: Win some, lose some | The
The field observation is that, within Africa, one of the two best predictors of the intensity of the epidemic in any given place is the prevalence of circumcision.
The only medical organization you mention as recommending circ is then the CMA whose statement was recently published in order to pass a bill (AB-768) in the CA legislation preventing future proposals to ban circumcision from entering the ballot.
FORBES: Circumcision Makes You Crazy. So Holland Moves To Stop It.
The real difference lay in male circumcision: over 98% of the men in the West African areas were circumcised, compared with about 30% in Kenya and 10% in Zambia.
In the most recent case, the infant developed a fever seven days after circumcision and vesicular lesions the following day, according to a press release from the city health department.
The people involved in banning or attempting to ban circumcision are not on the political fringe of their societies.
The AAP took a neutral stance on male circumcision when it last considered the practice in 1999.
The upshot of all this activity is a marked reduction in the rate of new infections, though sceptics point out that the fall began before ARV use and circumcision became widespread, and that the role of behavioural changes (including a greater willingness to use condoms) should thus not be underestimated.
ECONOMIST: The 19th International AIDS Conference: Looking into the future | The
As far as your comment above to which I am replying (I have not read the original post to which you are replying), you seem to focus on the supposed medical benefits of circumcision, and are asking for studies that debunk others, or conclude the opposite. (Again, please keep in mind that I have no read the other comments, so I apologize in advance for being repetitive).
FORBES: Circumcision Makes You Crazy. So Holland Moves To Stop It.
Other subjects will include family planning, domestic violence, female circumcision and the wearing of veils or headscarves.
You state that the Dutch medical association is wrong in stating that no medical association in the world recommends routine circumcision.
FORBES: Circumcision Makes You Crazy. So Holland Moves To Stop It.
Overall, circumcision reduced the men's risk of genital herpes by 28 percent (10.3 percent of uncircumcised men developed genital herpes compared with 7.8 percent of circumcised men) and HPV infection by 35 percent (27.8 percent of uncircumcised men were infected with HPV compared with 18 percent of circumcised men).
Her African upbringing, as she recounts the story, was dark, fearful, full of tedious labour, meaningless rituals and irrational cruelty of which female circumcision was only the most egregious example.
The data, released by the UN children's charity and UN population fund on the international day calling for an end to FMG, showed that the younger generation was less vulnerable to female circumcision in 29 countries in Africa and the Middle East where it is usually practised.
Some tribal groups use traditional circumcision to mark the transition to manhood, others reject it.
In San Francisco, there is a proposition on the ballot for the fall elections to ban circumcision.
The clinical trials suggest that circumcision by itself reduces a man's chance of becoming infected by 50-60%.
Now many Muslims and Jews are concerned their fundamental traditions are under threat and that circumcision may be the next element of religious freedom to be withdrawn.
The medical aspects of mainstream circumcision are under review too.
And it describes how "intensive efforts" are under way to find effective non-surgical approaches to circumcision - avoiding the need for scalpels or stitches - so that trained nurses could carry out the procedure rather than doctors.