Gerry Prickett, the client project manager for the works, said media scrutiny had ensured the smooth running of the scheme.
BBC: Guernsey Airport 'fit for new operators', says director
As for that UBS tipping case, 12 of the defendants have settled or pleaded guilty, including Mitchel Guttenberg, the former institutional client manager of UBS's research department who was accused of selling upcoming downgrade tips to hedge fund clients in a scheme hatched with a friend at New York's Oyster Bar.
If all a wealth manager does is keep longevity and inflation risk in check for a client, the manager is covering important bases.
The general rule under the federal and state securities laws is that a fiduciary, the money manager, cannot use client assets for his own benefit or the benefit of other clients.
FORBES: Pensions and Brokerage: The Brokerage Battlefield Revisited (October 1, 2000)
So, if the fraud were undetectable, is the manager free of liability for the loss of client funds?
FORBES: Money Manager Use of Tainted Wall Street Research (Oct 1, 2002 )
Clients can bypass the big names and hire consultancies such as Eden McCallum, a British firm that packages teams of experienced independent consultants, or Point B, an American firm that provides only a project manager, letting the client select the team.
Two years before its 2003 launch (as the iTunes Music Store), Apple introduced the iTunes client as a desktop music management program and implemented it as the device manager for the first iPod later in 2001.
So I tuned in yesterday to an Intel Webinar with David Buchholz, director of consumerization and John Mahvi, business client product line manager at the company as they discussed the new hardware.
The greater the commission rate the pension client approves, the more the broker gets paid and the more money the manager has to spread around to accomplish his multiple objectives.
FORBES: Pensions and Brokerage: The Brokerage Battlefield Revisited (October 1, 2000)
We made some adjustments to her marketing and networking, and a few weeks later, she got an offer to be the main relationship manager for a financial services client of a digital strategy firm.
FORBES: Do You Push Away Success When It Seems To Come Too Quickly?
There's a shortage of senior accountants right now, and the recession has actually provided a chance for them to revive client relationships, believes Mark Koziel, senior manager of firm practice management at the American Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
Once the matter has become the subject of a confidentiality agreement, the money manager will usually withhold it from regulators and law enforcement pursuant to the attorney-client privilege.
Rick Echevarria, vice president of the Intel architecture group and general manager of its business client platform division, sounded like he had heard this question before.
FORBES: Intel Ultrabooks and Windows 8 Are Ready For Business
The more sophisticated the fund manager appears to be, and the more complex his model, the harder it is for the client to tell whether the strategy will produce skewed returns.
ECONOMIST: Smooth returns can be a sign of danger for investors
Privacy, according to general manager Jessica Davis, is the biggest benefit for the client, while for the hotel, the buyout ensures occupancy is at 100%.
In the corporate world, these jobs go by titles like account manager and client-services manager.
The lawyer of disgraced money manager Bernie Madoff told a judge that his client should receive 12 years in prison, calling it a sufficient punishment for one of the largest frauds in U.S. history.
If you're a manager, you know how important it is to make sure the client is always pleased with the service or product you're selling.
By opposing disclosure of the risks to investors personal trading by portfolio managers poses, as well as disclosure of portfolio manager personal trading records and, when all else fails, invoking the attorney-client privilege to prevent investors from learning of illegal personal trading, the mutual fund industry has been able to maintain the illusion that such trading is rare and investors are not being harmed.
FORBES: Letter to Editor of BusinessWeek Re: Mutual Fund Personal Trading ( July 1, 1998)
As adviser to its own proprietary mutual funds and manager of individual client accounts, AFAM may purchase, sell or hold positions in the securities that appear in this presentation.
FORBES: The Prudent Speculator's 2013 Market Outlook and Favorite Stocks
As advisor to its own proprietary mutual funds and manager of individual client accounts, AFAM may purchase, sell or hold positions in the securities that appear in this presentation.
No additional income would be generated for what the manager earned from the weighted elements of the index would simply become a monetary transfer to the client.
Every manager knows in his heart of hearts that it is highly unlikely or indeed impossible that the client will receive the performance he or she is led to believe is possible.
FORBES: Everyone Wants Kool Aid: Pruning the Money Management Tree (October 29, 2008)