• While California is facing the largest cuts to education, similar cuts are happening all over the country, making it harder for students to afford college and lowering the quality of the education they receive.

    CNN: Why we protest education cuts

  • Given a choice of providing nursing home care for poor senior citizens, keeping criminals off the street, or subsidizing the college education of relatively affluent middle class students, politicians are not about to favor the universities.

    FORBES: Chartered Universities

  • Tuition.io, for example, offers assistance to college students navigate the exciting world of education loans, giving advice on such matters as whether one should consolidate loans or not.

    FORBES: The Problem with Finovate

  • On Wednesday, Avik could have watched the demonstrations taking place at NYU over the crushing debt load students are accumulating due to the high cost of their college education.

    FORBES: Why Ideological Free-Marketers Will Never Understand Health Care

  • The Student Credit Card Educative Initiative has poured a lot of time and effort into planning and organizing the evening, which is hoping to raise awareness to the lack of real credit card education for college students in America.

    FORBES: Ellina Graypel: "Students Will Rally! Hurricane or Not!"

  • As a result, the report recommends a "science and technical education act" offering loans to college students studying science, math and engineering, with the loans being forgiven if the student agrees to work for the government for a given number of years.

    CNN: Panel recommends sweeping national security changes

  • Ted Beck, chief executive officer and president of the National Endowment for Financial Education, points out that the two-year community college is another viable route where students can still possibly graduate from their dream school for much less money.

    FORBES: Intelligetn Investing Panel

  • We greatly appreciate the increase in the Pell Grant, which allowed our neediest students to access a college education. (Applause.) It increased buying power as college costs continue to rise.

    WHITEHOUSE: "White House to Main Street" Town Hall: Elyria, OH

  • But while it is true that attendance at elite American universities is farther out of reach for lower-income students, it is certainly not the case that a college education is farther out of reach.

    ECONOMIST: Trade and Central America

  • State-supported college education means that students take seven years to complete the work of four.

    FORBES: The Scandinavian Model

  • The students were asking me to justify the return on investment in a college education.

    NEWYORKER: Live and Learn

  • Earning a college education is a big financial risk, not just to the students working toward the sheepskin, but often to their parents as well.

    FORBES: Parents' Tough Choices For Repaying Student Loans

  • If that money had to be borrowed and repaid, the investment in education could quickly become marginal compared to alternatives, especially as college students are a self-selected group who would probably earn more than the average high school graduate anyway.

    FORBES: Are We Spending Too Much On Education?

  • State supported college education means that students take on average seven years to complete the work of four.

    FORBES: Two Roads to National Success: Steve Forbes vs. Mads Ovlisen

  • More and more students are relying on fellowships and scholarships to help defray the cost of college education these days.

    FORBES: Move up http://i.forbesimg.com t Move down

  • Ask any family with post-secondary students and they will tell you just how outrageous are the costs of college education today.

    FORBES: College Costs Out Of Control

  • Tower Hamlets College, in the east end of London, is one place where further education students do get taught about money issues.

    BBC: MPs call for money lessons in schools

  • The newly launched Digital Media Education Center at Delgado Community College, for example, trains students in video game design and post-production film work in an effort develop an indigenous workforce and ensure a sustainable industry in New Orleans.

    FORBES: Gameloft Studio Settles in New Orleans, Fuels A Growing Industry

  • In fact, a recent study by Harris Interactive found that only 20% of college students felt their K-12 education adequately prepared them for STEM at the collegiate level.

    FORBES: Do Americans Have 21st Century Job Skills?

  • State-supported college education means that students take a John Belushi-like seven years to complete the work of four.

    FORBES: The Scandinavian Model

  • The college exceeded its Further Education Funding Council targets for 1998-99 and has record numbers of new students enrolling this September.

    ECONOMIST: Letters

  • "There are many students who have the potential to succeed in college, but they are not being supported by our education system, " he said.

    WSJ: SAT Scores Fall as More Students Take Exam

  • Babson Research Survey Group and College Board estimate that in the fall of 2010 6.1 million students took at least one online education course.

    FORBES: Distance Learning Has Been Around Since 1892, You Big MOOC

  • Cambridge University has previously said reducing fees for island students would be discriminatory and Imperial College has said its decision had been based on the high cost of education at the college.

    BBC: Universities agree Guernsey and Jersey student fees

  • With unemployment rates and salary levels correlating almost perfectly to education levels, the true challenge facing higher education, whether online or on campus, is helping students to successfully complete college degree programs.

    FORBES: MOOCs Are No Education Panacea, but Here's What Can Make Them Work

  • For higher education, the administration is responding to years of stagnant support for grants to lower-income college students with a major increase in Pell Grants, which go to the neediest students.

    NPR: President Bush Releases $2.9 Trillion Budget

  • While states and colleges share responsibility to keep down the rising cost of college, improved consumer disclosures can ensure that students and families make wise decisions when investing in higher education.

    WHITEHOUSE: The White House

  • Only 23% of low-income, students graduate from college in six years, but not just because of the financial challenge of paying for a higher education.

    FORBES: Why Are Tuition Costs Rising?

  • More work remains to address persistent causes of undercounting, such as poverty, mobility, language isolation, low levels of education, and general awareness of the survey, in addition to duplicate counts among the elderly and college students living away from home.

    WHITEHOUSE: Our Top Stories

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