The head of London Midland trains has said he is "embarrassed" by the company's performance over the last four months.
The Gap's chief executive left in January 2007 amid an uproar over the company's performance.
Mr. Corbat is expected to unveil quantifiable targets that will allow analysts and investors to more-easily gauge the company's performance, said the people familiar with the plan.
In its latest results, there was a clear difference between the company's performance in North America and in the rest of the world.
Peter Xie, Solarfun's president, said he was very pleased with the company's performance.
On October 30th she is due to present Alcatel-Lucent's board with further details of her plan to improve the company's performance.
The new compensation plan dictates that 30% of pay for top executives, including Mr. Corbat, come in so-called performance share units that are delivered after three years, depending on the company's performance over that span.
The exceptional performance incentive plan would have granted free share options to senior executives based on the company's performance.
The higher reward reflected the company's performance last fiscal year, said Alan Hilowitz, a spokesman.
Ford instructed Land Rover bosses and unions to come up with ways of improving the company's performance in May this year.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | West Midlands | Land Rover workers accept changes
These awkward situations inevitably arise when the company's performance is being discussed.
The company's performance was still better than Wall Street had been expecting.
The company's performance also shows that even in challenging times, the affluent will continue to spend on brands that they trust the most.
The company's performance has improved following pressure from billionaire investor Nelson Peltz, who in 2006 took a stake in the company and joined its board.
As VOD has taken off, the company's performance has rapidly improved.
The company's performance is built on expectations that it can continue delivering its monthly dividend, a feature that is enticing to retirees and many other investors, Ackman said.
Chief executive Justin King said the company's performance was "good".
BBC: Sainsbury's full-year profits fall despite rising sales
The Optimus G Pro, part of the company's performance line, was a surprise when we first laid eyes and hands on it: it's a 5.5-inch embodiment of lessons learned, not just from LG's past endeavors, but also from Samsung's.
Nextel's stock may not have fully absorbed the company's solid performance and strong prospects.
Aside from dissecting the company's financial performance and integration progress, Fiorina will no doubt be questioned about the surprise departure this week of President Michael Capellas .
He then examined the relationship between growth and shareholder returns using a measurement known as Jensen's alpha, which represents the difference between a company's stock performance and the return of a diversified portfolio of risky stocks.
The company's stock performance has been sluggish, reflecting job cuts stemming from declines in advertising sales.
One is the company's stock performance (including dividends) relative to that of its industry peers over six years.
The third is the company's stock performance (including dividends) relative to that of its industry peers over six years.
The company's record shipment performance can be attributed to the introduction of the iPhone 4 in 17 new countries last quarter.
That is no wonder considering the company's recent performance.
Jones leads the company's Leadership Performance and Rewards practice.
PepsiCo CEO Indra Nooyi has made great strides with the company's "performance with purpose" and building a diversified global portfolio bursting with opportunities, but she has one hell of a job to do.
In recent months, Chairman and Chief Executive Philip Purcell has waged a public battle with a group of eight dissident shareholders who are calling for his head, claiming his mismanagement is to blame for the company's lackluster performance.
"Mr. Murthy's departure was not related in any way to the company's operational or financial performance, both of which remain strong, " said Ashok Trivedi, co-founder and co-chairman of iGate's board.