However, an editorial in Britain's Times newspaper doubted the composer's chant would catch on.
But the composer doesn't need your help to realize the strengths of his incredible architecture.
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That group included the composer Leonard Bernstein, the choreographer Jerome Robbins, and the writer Arthur Laurents.
This time, its sinewy melody, reminiscent of Kurt Weill, was accompanied by the composer's chanted lyrics.
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The composer constructs a situation on the board that is theoretically possible, although often highly improbable.
While Bryne acknowledges that he did help create the instrument, he admits that he isn't the composer.
Within its 12 movements, the composer reveals every facet of the sound world that makes him unique.
Minnelli said she had met the composer "when I was 14-and-a-half, and he was 15 and three-quarters".
He joins a roster that includes the composer Edward MacDowell who led the group in the 1890s.
This honor is granted to the composer(s) of a song, celebrating his strength as a musical writer.
Setting a literary masterpiece may mean that the composer is actually competing with the author's towering achievement.
In "Vaca, " the composer and his cohorts in Los Guachos do little to protect the purity of essence.
Other items appear as uncertain scribbles and include clarifications from the composer about how the music should sound.
For Maria Schneider's latest CD, "Winter Morning Walks, " with opera singer Dawn Upshaw, the composer-arranger conducted the St.
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The composer reveled in walking in the environs of Vienna and spent nearly every summer in the country.
The composer Bruce Adolphe first met Yo-Yo Ma at the Juilliard School in New York City in 1970.
Hendrix lived next door to the Brook Street venue, where the composer George Handel lived for 36 years.
The composer and broadcaster Michael Berkeley is to be made a non-party political peer in the House of Lords.
It takes a willingness to enter into the fray, within the composer's psyche.
In the uncertain world of the arts, the composer of classical music risks having the most frustrating of careers.
He studied piano with Bartok and kept up a close friendship with the composer until his death in 1945.
Better still, have some people at Level-5 (art director, perhaps, or get the composer in on it) sign them.
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The school held a performance of Britten's famous War Requiem in March as part of the composer's centenary birthday celebrations.
The money will be spent by the Britten Pears Foundation (BPF), which is based at the composer's house in Aldeburgh.
His interest in the composer grew even more intense when he was introduced to Edin Karamazov, a lutenist from Bosnia.
In 1968, the composer Wendy Carlos released an interpretation of Bach, played on a Moog synthesizer, that won three Grammys.
The same is true of many other Puccini operas, which may be why the composer has always had his detractors.
When an AM or FM radio station plays a song, the composer gets a royalty payment, but the performer doesn't.
Scott Faulkner, of the Reno Chamber Orchestra, says that his group kept the composer busy, and not just at rehearsal.
Furthermore, Cunningham had the composer and the set and costume designers do their work without consulting one another, or him.