Cooperation in theConferenceonDisarmamenton new steps in this area remains essential since that body's membership includes most of the major producers and exporters of anti-personnel land mines.
At the same time, the United States will continue other efforts to address the problem of land mines, including our work to establish step-by-step negotiations toward a global ban in theConferenceonDisarmament.
Another of the 44 nations -- India -- has sought to block the CTBT at every step: vetoing it in theConferenceonDisarmament so that it could not be submitted as a Conference document.
We know that completing a treaty that will ban the production of fissile material will not be quick or easy - but theConferenceonDisarmament must resume its work on this treaty as soon as possible.
In 1984, he personally introduced at theConferenceonDisarmament in Geneva a U.S. draft treaty prepared in great haste for the occasion and submitted despite the fact that extensive work on its verification aspects remained to be done.
In their behavior, participants in the flotilla from the Obama-aligned Code Pink group and sister organizations ape the behavior of UN Secretary- General Ban in celebrating Iran's provocative conferenceon terrorism, and overseeing North Korea's ascension to the head of the UN's ConferenceonDisarmament' and Qatar's and Iran's leadership of the General Assembly.
This no doubt is why Iran's UN representative expressed glee when earlier this month his nation's fellow nuclear proliferator North Korea was appointed the head of the UN's ConferenceonDisarmament.