The big thing for me is openness and the connective tissue being created as walls are going down.
Laura Veirs' latest release, the stripped-down July Flame, uses atmosphere and tension as the connective tissue for its songs.
At its center is Broken Social Scene, which functions as the connective tissue for a sprawling array of satellite acts.
NPR: First Listen: Broken Social Scene, 'Forgiveness Rock Record'
We also learn to eat the connective tissue between shell and mollusc, la membrane, an extra little treat like a mini scallop.
She said research from the US indicated that silicon implants increased the risk of cancer, suicide and diseases of the connective tissue.
And the other thing it does is it makes food easier to digest by softening it or gelatinizing the connective tissue in meat.
It is the aggregate result with the added scale of tasks completed by many together with the connective tissue of business logic that creates value.
The connective cells, known as fibroblasts, are then isolated and an electrical current is used to force-feed them with the snippets of DNA that make factor VIII.
He turned back and said something to the two men who were on the other side of the fish, hacking away at the connective tissue around its liver.
Without the enzyme, the body is unable to effectively "clean up" the connective tissue in the bones, meaning it can't sweep away damaged cellular detritus or foreign bacteria.
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"The unwillingness of Facebook and Google to share a public commons when it comes to the intersection of search and social is corrosive to the connective tissue of our shared culture, " he said.
New functionalities and upgrades allow users to shoot and share their cherished photography instantly, revolutionizing the connective camera experience and allowing consumers to be in complete control across the breadth of the SMART CAMERA portfolio.
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Secondly it is the "connective tissue" linking and integrating other media formats.
Though it may take a little time, the new connective technology, by joining people together in new communities and in new ways, is bound to make for more freedom.
Fast-forward a couple more years and Deepak Srivastava, a scientist at the Gladstone Institute in San Francisco, found his own three-gene recipe for turning the plentiful, plebian cells that form connective tissue in the heart directly into cardiomyocytes, the cells that make the heart beat and are damaged by heart attacks.
Based in Wuzhou, Guangxi Province, Shenguan mainly produces sausage casings using collagen, the protein of connective tissue in animals.
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Research has shown that the body's temperature tends to rise by a few degrees in the afternoon, warming the muscles and connective tissues and resulting in a slight improvement in your performance capabilities.
Inflammation can extend deep into dental tissue and cause the loss of supporting connective tissue.
This makes all the difference with a lean meat like turkey: With each wallop, muscle fibers and connective tissue break down and the meat becomes ever more tender.
In 2012 it acquired 100% of the US Digital Documents and Connective Language Services of New Jersey.
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Smoking and obesity can increase risk because body fat puts extra pressure inside the abdomen and smoking weakens connective tissues.
We also know that moms have a larger connective area between the right and left hemispheres that helps allow their brains to be more efficient in gathering, synthesizing and integrating new messages.
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Not surprisingly, social media is a key connective element in galvanizing support for the program.
Research in massage therapy, for example, is in its infancy, and little is known about the basic physiological effects of various techniques on tissues such as capillary beds, connective tissue, chemical markers, etc, so basic science research is critical in advancing our understanding of the various physiological effects of massage therapy.
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Vitamin C is integral for skin, bone and connective tissue health, and also helps the body to absorb iron.
Between the old school of steel frames and new era of carbon fiber, Jordan formed a connective tissue.
The latest work revolves around two culprit proteins, transforming growth factor beta (TGF-beta) and connective tissue growth factor (CTGF).
He has managed to reprogram mouse connective-tissue cells so that they develop into cardiac muscle cells, and has tested them in the hearts of mice that have had heart attacks.
ECONOMIST: Stem cells and medicine: Repairing broken hearts | The