Boys will graduate from high school not at 17, as now, but at the conscription age of 18, and will not have time to try to gain acceptance to colleges that could grant draft exemptions.
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While this is still below the general conscription rate of 75% among male 18-year-olds, the rapid rise in ultra-Orthodox military service is a revolutionary development for the sector.
Inside Germany, the main issue remains conscription and the Zivildienst, the civilian alternative to military service.
Even more important is Mr Barak's agreement with the ultra-Orthodox party, United Torah Judaism, on new rules for the military conscription of students at yeshivas, or Talmudic colleges.
His staff even anticipates that the return of conscription may be required to fill the ranks if the all-volunteer force simply cannot withstand such buffeting.
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And then the fairness issue, throughout the history of conscription in this country, finds situations in which groups like women might well be included.
To be fair, the first years of his presidency did witness achievements: bold plans to end conscription and streamline the armed forces, to overhaul France's sickly public-health system, revamp the arms industry, sell off or deregulate swathes of the public sector.
It was envisaged that both would remain within the union, but an attempt in 1918 to extend conscription to Ireland proved the final nail in the coffin.
Witness French failure even to inform the Germans before taking such decisions affecting Germany as the ending of military conscription.
But most Germans still feel that conscription is the key to getting people to accept the armed forces and welcome it as a tool of social integration.
While the original idea of conscription was to build a military that reflected wider society, German leaders now feel that democracy is so embedded that constraints on its role can be loosened.
The defence minister, Antonio Martino, is also seeing through a plan to abolish conscription and to overhaul the arms-procurement system.
With the debacle of Vietnam long gone and conscription no longer a dread prospect for America's young men, the forces tend to be held in high civilian esteem.
Of course, the major thing that's changed since Vietnam is we no longer have conscription, so everybody's who in the military - they may not like what they're doing at the moment, or they may be held past the point they planned to get out - but basically, they're there as volunteers.
Citizenship mattered in the days when defence relied on conscription.
Conscription is really on the way out (Germany is only the latest instance to show this) because it hardly makes sense to have your well-educated engineers (for example) locked away for a year in the military.
Newly independent South Sudan is a rare example of conscription being introduced (in the hope of supplanting private militias).
Tens of thousands of able-bodied ultra-Orthodox men defer their conscription year after year on the pretext of devoting their lives to religious study.
At the very least, should they decide to do so, they should indicate whether they are prepared to vote for a return to conscription - which will be the practical effect of breaking the all-volunteer force.
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That viability may, in turn, determine our ability to avoid in the years ahead, as we have for the past four decades, a return to conscription to meet our requirements for warriors in those conflicts.
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Cost apart, the committee's most controversial recommendation is for conscription to be all-but phased out.
Ultra-Orthodox conscription rates have increased seven-fold in the past four years.
During the Vietnam War, more than 50, 000 Americans fled to Canada to avoid conscription and were welcomed by Canadian authorities.
When, two years later, Congress passed a Conscription Act requiring able-bodied men aged 20 to 45 to serve in the Union army, it never occurred to Morgan that he ought to join up.
Research in France, which began phasing out conscription in 1996, suggests that male educational achievement fell: people used to dodge the draft by going to university.
The Persian Gulf War and the Iraq and Afghan Wars a decade later are the first major wars in America's history that have been fought without broad-based conscription to mobilize all levels of American society.
Such elements included a merit-based (non-aristocratic) military leadership combined with mass conscription, sophisticated taxation systems and a bureaucracy recruited from a permanent administrative cadre selected on the basis of ability rather than family connection.
Not every experience of conscription was bad, I have many friends who enjoyed their two years, but for many the damage was permanent.