The Conservatives say such top-up fees will act as a "severe deterrent" to poorer students.
But now something of a synthesis (the Conservatives say a fudge) seems to be emerging.
The Conservatives say the figures underline concerns on school places expressed to them by some local authorities.
The Conservatives say their high street charter would guide businesses and local councils on how to manage town centres.
The Conservatives say this latest increase in the UK's contribution proves that successive Labour governments have given away far too much to Europe.
The Conservatives say heads should have wider powers - to search for any item likely to cause violence or disruption, including lighters and matches.
The Conservatives say they will protect the NHS from budget cuts.
"The Conservatives say they'll abolish this system of area assessment if they win the next election and target inspections on areas that need them, " he said.
The Conservatives say they would restore the link between state pension and earnings by replacing the New Deal - and so cut the need for means testing.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Election 2005 | Pension reform tests are unveiled
The Conservatives say that they would allow successful schools to increase their places - and that, as at present, these schools would benefit from the extra per-pupil funding.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Education | Tories want best schools to grow
But the Conservatives say millions more could be saved by moving away from the current government practice of outsourcing IT projects to a small number of large contractors.
The Conservatives say they have "strict regulations" for accepting money.
Downing Street has already intervened in the row saying transport department officials can better answer the MPs' questions but the Conservatives say it shows the government's "contempt for Parliament".
The Conservatives say that if a general election is held in June 2010 - the latest date Gordon Brown can choose to do so - then next year's show would go out during the election campaign.
The Conservatives say they now want 80% of peers to be elected but Lord Irvine argued those proposals were "largely seen as a tactical device to wrong foot and embarrass the government on this issue of elected peers".
In the case of the universities, for example, the Conservatives say that they would use the proceeds from future privatisations and government auctions, such as the recent auctions of radio spectrum, to create endowment funds for selected universities.
But Prime Minister David Cameron said he did not believe a bill was necessary to set up the new regime and, instead, the Conservatives say a royal charter is the right way to provide legal backing for any new press regulator.
The Conservatives say the changes - making all seats roughly the same size in terms of registered voters - would help address a historic bias in the electoral system but Labour have accused them of "gerrymandering" - manipulating areas to get a favourable result.
The Welsh Conservatives say the budget "snubs" the health service and Plaid Cymru want more help for the economy.
The opposition Conservatives say that if they win power at the approaching general election they will copy the Scottish system, in which people who are not convicted usually have their DNA removed from the database as soon as the case against them is dropped.
ECONOMIST: The vast police directory is trimmed, but only a little
Charges for missed NHS appointments should be considered to deal with the cost of irresponsible patients, the Welsh Conservatives say.
The Scottish Conservatives say that a graduate contribution is inevitable and sensible.
Others at the vigil - unlikely conservatives, to say the least - agree: they may be dismayed by the anger and virulence of political discourse in America, but they do not connect it with the shootings of Saturday morning.
It's more "second class substitute" than "modern gateway" say the Conservatives.
The real IRS scandal, they say, is the use by conservatives of 501(c) tax status as a shield for political advocacy.
You know what I can say about the Conservatives, I think we fought a very good local election campaign.
Most of all, he would let competitors scrap for the far-right vote while he rolled up the more moderate conservatives, they say.
But the larger question is: has the mediocre quality of the candidates, the public boredom with their debates and the unexciting, not to say confusing, method of selection set the Conservatives back rather than forward on the road to recovery?
In wading into the debate, Congress joins a coalition of conservatives who say they are fighting to save Christmas from, say, shopkeepers who would offer discounts for the "holiday season" rather than for Christmas alone.
The Tories say the government is gathering too much debt, but Labour says the Conservatives would reduce funding for projects vital to restoring the economy's fortunes.