Labour said the move would worry older people and the Conservatives said it suggested the SNP would cut pensions.
BBC: Scotland politics
The Welsh government said the Conservatives had not explained how they would pay for the tax cut.
BBC: Andrew RT Davies
Mr Osborne said the Conservatives would set out further details of how they would cut Britain's deficit at a faster rate than Labour before the general election, adding that they would place more emphasis on spending cuts than tax rises.
BBC: Darling concedes cuts could be tougher than 1980s
He rounded on the Conservatives accusing them of wanting to cut public spending which he said would be "economic madness".
BBC: Turn to us in crisis, says Clegg
Shadow business secretary Ken Clarke said the Conservatives would be "a friend" to new businesses and pledged to cut down on their paperwork.
BBC: At-a-glance: Tory conference
The Conservatives have said not to do so would be irresponsible and would set back efforts to cut the multi-billion pound deficit.
BBC: Darling urges Labour caution over spending debate
The Conservatives say they would restore the link between state pension and earnings by replacing the New Deal - and so cut the need for means testing.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Election 2005 | Pension reform tests are unveiled